Is The Tree Helping Or Harming Me? One of the most common questions we get in our practice is "What should I do about my tree? Trees are a beautiful, glorious and vital part of the our planet and are an integral and respected life force in the practice of Feng Shui! While it is true that some trees may block positive chi or even act as poison arrows the answer is not to cut down this beautiful gift of nature, there are ways to ensure that we work with the tree to ensure the best results.
Killing a living vital part of nature is not the answer.
Trees act as conduits returning oxygen to us, giving us food, shade and protection we need to ensure that we in turn do everything we can to ensure there survival if possible.
Some quick Tree tips include: 1.
Cutting Down Trees? Yes sometimes it is necessary to cut down trees.
If for example a tree is sick, rotting and cannot be helped then this decaying energy will more than likely lower the level of good chi in the area and in fact create sickness and yin energy that may very well pass on to the residents of the home.
If you cannot save it then cut it down 2.
What about the one in front of my door? The most common tree problem in Feng Shui is when the tree is directly in front of your door.
This in effect may serve as a block in terms of opportunities, prosperity or abundance.
But wait don't cut it down!First, trim any branches to let as much chi circulate around it as possible, next hang a wind chime in the tree to help guide the chi around the tree.
If you are still considered hang another wind chime directly above your front door, and also place a mirror or other reflective ornament by your front door that in essence reflects the tree and its challenging energy back away from your door!That should do the trick! 3.
Trees for Health & Family Trees are a wonderful for bringing health and well being to you and your family.
If you can plant large sturdy trees in the most east direction of your lot to protect this aspect of your life.
The Pine tree is a ideal tree for this area as they ensure longevity.
Trees for Protection There are many ways that trees actually offer protection for us.
We all know they offer shade, and nourishment.
But in Feng Shui terms they also offer offer a way to block out poison arrows from affecting us.
If there is something pointing directly at us from across the road, the tree can be used to block that energy.
The trees can also serve as something called "mountain support" in Feng Shui.
The back of your home should always have something that is tall and supportive - ideally taller than your home.
Fences, neighbours homes, lights can all offer this supportbut ideally tall trees can work as strong protectors.
5Tree for Prosperity and Abundance! Just as trees can bring health and well being - they can also bring abundance and prosperity.
If you have an opportunity to plant a flowering tree on your property, the SE compass direction (the wealth area) is ideal.
Trees with flowers or fruits in orange, red, or purple are ideal! (Think apples, oranges, and lavender of course!).
Killing a living vital part of nature is not the answer.
Trees act as conduits returning oxygen to us, giving us food, shade and protection we need to ensure that we in turn do everything we can to ensure there survival if possible.
Some quick Tree tips include: 1.
Cutting Down Trees? Yes sometimes it is necessary to cut down trees.
If for example a tree is sick, rotting and cannot be helped then this decaying energy will more than likely lower the level of good chi in the area and in fact create sickness and yin energy that may very well pass on to the residents of the home.
If you cannot save it then cut it down 2.
What about the one in front of my door? The most common tree problem in Feng Shui is when the tree is directly in front of your door.
This in effect may serve as a block in terms of opportunities, prosperity or abundance.
But wait don't cut it down!First, trim any branches to let as much chi circulate around it as possible, next hang a wind chime in the tree to help guide the chi around the tree.
If you are still considered hang another wind chime directly above your front door, and also place a mirror or other reflective ornament by your front door that in essence reflects the tree and its challenging energy back away from your door!That should do the trick! 3.
Trees for Health & Family Trees are a wonderful for bringing health and well being to you and your family.
If you can plant large sturdy trees in the most east direction of your lot to protect this aspect of your life.
The Pine tree is a ideal tree for this area as they ensure longevity.
Trees for Protection There are many ways that trees actually offer protection for us.
We all know they offer shade, and nourishment.
But in Feng Shui terms they also offer offer a way to block out poison arrows from affecting us.
If there is something pointing directly at us from across the road, the tree can be used to block that energy.
The trees can also serve as something called "mountain support" in Feng Shui.
The back of your home should always have something that is tall and supportive - ideally taller than your home.
Fences, neighbours homes, lights can all offer this supportbut ideally tall trees can work as strong protectors.
5Tree for Prosperity and Abundance! Just as trees can bring health and well being - they can also bring abundance and prosperity.
If you have an opportunity to plant a flowering tree on your property, the SE compass direction (the wealth area) is ideal.
Trees with flowers or fruits in orange, red, or purple are ideal! (Think apples, oranges, and lavender of course!).