Well handcuffs only go so far and eventually one has to release them for practical and hygienic reasons but that being said if you cannot trust your man to keep his hands clean, then walk away. Truly life is too short to suffer the indignity of abuse such infidelity drags into your life and trust me you are worth more than any amount of selfishness can offer. Trust has to be equally strong if only a wall separates you or distance of land or sea.
Ok the guns have been put away, the sheriff has gone home, and your man is in another town maybe even another continent. So where does that leave you?
How comfortable are you being alone? Do you trust your man? Do you think he really loves you? If you are asking these questions, how well do you know each other? Have you taken the time to spiritually connect, or were you too busy for that ceremony?
Now with that out of the way let us relax and gather our composure with instructions for a good cup of tea and some home made pie. Hmm there is nothing like home cooking to nurture the spirit and believe me there is not a soul on earth who would not appreciate down home country fare.
Seriously, all relationships require the operation of trust, explicit trust with unconditional love added to the mix otherwise one is staring at the horizon with rose tinted glasses. The attraction of a man from a long distance away has to mean something otherwise why put yourself through the conflicts that accompany worry.
Is there something about your man that inspires worry or is it your low self-esteem? Worry does not spring forth from nothing unless it really has no foundation beyond the figments of your imagination. If you are concerned about faithfulness then please say you have talked about it with him.
He could be the nicest bloke this side of the moon and perhaps your fears have no basis at all. There has to be some attraction beyond the physical that draws him to your heart so let us focus on the beauty of the picture rather than the shadows. You realise that shadows disappear when you turn on the light so let us use that analogy to put your mind at ease.
Now, take out a pen and paper and write down all the things you like about him and how magically he makes you feel. Now no lover can be responsible for your happiness and that is a wicked burden to place on someone no matter how strong they are. We are not meant to go through life wearing unnecessary crosses. Jesus carried his so we do not have to and as a result, we have more time to enjoy life's blessings not their woes.
We shall surmise that this man of your is the grandest evermore and the next time you get together make a promise to yourself that all niggling questions shall be researched for truthful existence. Wealth and poverty are bedfellows and while true love is the wealth fear and concern greet poverty. Please decline to place on any finger, other than a wedding ring, a mark signifying your reluctance to broach the truth of your relationship otherwise you face the grim task of permanent worry when you are apart. Is that worth the duress and agony of a long distance relationship, or any relationship?
You matter, and more than anything else, your mother told you that you matter as the umbilical chord was cut, so you could learn to live your life. Do not allow attachments that can destroy you and become metaphors for a new umbilical chord that due to its invisibility casts you aside so you are either ignored or forgotten.
Please go now and gaze in the mirror reciting into your eyes that you are the most wonderful child of God and true love has embraced you in its bosom. Thus, you shall greet trust and fidelity as if they were extensions of your body. In essence they are but in reality it is up to you to find the honesty you desired that brought a man into your life.
Basically, the primary avenue to ensure fidelity and true faithfulness is to connect spiritually and this is accomplished through quiet meditation. If you desire peace of mind and I believe you do then commence right away, as it is quite simple even without technology to assist you. Talk to the man of your dreams and ask him to join you in quiet meditation because distance is no impediment for spirits to connect. This will put your mind at ease. Couples have to connect spiritually otherwise what is the point. God bless!
Ok the guns have been put away, the sheriff has gone home, and your man is in another town maybe even another continent. So where does that leave you?
How comfortable are you being alone? Do you trust your man? Do you think he really loves you? If you are asking these questions, how well do you know each other? Have you taken the time to spiritually connect, or were you too busy for that ceremony?
Now with that out of the way let us relax and gather our composure with instructions for a good cup of tea and some home made pie. Hmm there is nothing like home cooking to nurture the spirit and believe me there is not a soul on earth who would not appreciate down home country fare.
Seriously, all relationships require the operation of trust, explicit trust with unconditional love added to the mix otherwise one is staring at the horizon with rose tinted glasses. The attraction of a man from a long distance away has to mean something otherwise why put yourself through the conflicts that accompany worry.
Is there something about your man that inspires worry or is it your low self-esteem? Worry does not spring forth from nothing unless it really has no foundation beyond the figments of your imagination. If you are concerned about faithfulness then please say you have talked about it with him.
He could be the nicest bloke this side of the moon and perhaps your fears have no basis at all. There has to be some attraction beyond the physical that draws him to your heart so let us focus on the beauty of the picture rather than the shadows. You realise that shadows disappear when you turn on the light so let us use that analogy to put your mind at ease.
Now, take out a pen and paper and write down all the things you like about him and how magically he makes you feel. Now no lover can be responsible for your happiness and that is a wicked burden to place on someone no matter how strong they are. We are not meant to go through life wearing unnecessary crosses. Jesus carried his so we do not have to and as a result, we have more time to enjoy life's blessings not their woes.
We shall surmise that this man of your is the grandest evermore and the next time you get together make a promise to yourself that all niggling questions shall be researched for truthful existence. Wealth and poverty are bedfellows and while true love is the wealth fear and concern greet poverty. Please decline to place on any finger, other than a wedding ring, a mark signifying your reluctance to broach the truth of your relationship otherwise you face the grim task of permanent worry when you are apart. Is that worth the duress and agony of a long distance relationship, or any relationship?
You matter, and more than anything else, your mother told you that you matter as the umbilical chord was cut, so you could learn to live your life. Do not allow attachments that can destroy you and become metaphors for a new umbilical chord that due to its invisibility casts you aside so you are either ignored or forgotten.
Please go now and gaze in the mirror reciting into your eyes that you are the most wonderful child of God and true love has embraced you in its bosom. Thus, you shall greet trust and fidelity as if they were extensions of your body. In essence they are but in reality it is up to you to find the honesty you desired that brought a man into your life.
Basically, the primary avenue to ensure fidelity and true faithfulness is to connect spiritually and this is accomplished through quiet meditation. If you desire peace of mind and I believe you do then commence right away, as it is quite simple even without technology to assist you. Talk to the man of your dreams and ask him to join you in quiet meditation because distance is no impediment for spirits to connect. This will put your mind at ease. Couples have to connect spiritually otherwise what is the point. God bless!