It means that as how frequently a keyword is used in the text as a percentage of the total text.
While writing content for a site or articles it is very important to check the keyword density.
For example, while writing an article on auto, then, it is important to see that how often that keyword is repeated in your text.
It is important because when the search engine hits your site, it will get content, then collect mega tag description and sort them in an order.
After this search engine calculates the density of every Meta tag keyword in your text or content.
If your site is ranking well for specific keyword phrases at engines like Yahoo!, Teoma, MSN & for the allin sets of searches at Google (allinanchor:, allintitle:, allintext:, etc.
) but not listed in the top 50-100 results at Google, the sandbox effect may be at work.
However, it is important to keep in mind that this phenomenon is an 'unknown' algorithm piece at Google and standard optimization tactics, even by some of the best and most experienced SEOs have yet to consistently beat this effect.
What is keyword density ? keyword density is an analysis of the number of times a particular word appears in relation to your web page content.
It is reported as a percentage.
While writing content for a site or articles it is very important to check the keyword density.
For example, while writing an article on auto, then, it is important to see that how often that keyword is repeated in your text.
It is important because when the search engine hits your site, it will get content, then collect mega tag description and sort them in an order.
After this search engine calculates the density of every Meta tag keyword in your text or content.
If your site is ranking well for specific keyword phrases at engines like Yahoo!, Teoma, MSN & for the allin sets of searches at Google (allinanchor:, allintitle:, allintext:, etc.
) but not listed in the top 50-100 results at Google, the sandbox effect may be at work.
However, it is important to keep in mind that this phenomenon is an 'unknown' algorithm piece at Google and standard optimization tactics, even by some of the best and most experienced SEOs have yet to consistently beat this effect.
What is keyword density ? keyword density is an analysis of the number of times a particular word appears in relation to your web page content.
It is reported as a percentage.