Law & Legal & Attorney Immigration Law

Know who can get the Lithuania Permanent Residence Visa Permit – PRP

Lithuania, the Schengen area country is considered by many as the gateway to the continent of Europe. It indeed is as there are various reasons that support the above mentioned statement. The strongest fact that supports the statement is that the assets of Lithuania are still underutilized. In many places it is still unexplored.

The geographical location of Lithuania is just perfect having EU and CIS on its sides. Lithuania, moreover, has a peaceful ambience for families to leave on its land without any disturbance. These facts taken together or individually as the case may be, contribute to a great extent to the huge number of individuals immigrating to Lithuania every year.

A permanent residence visa to Lithuania is directly not available to a new immigrant who wishes to immigrate. One can avail the temporary residence to Lithuania and immigrate to this part of the world. So before availing the Permanent Residence Visa Permit (PRP) to Lithuania one must know who can get the Lithuania Permanent Residence Visa Permit – PRP.

It is mandatory for the applicant of PRP to stay in the Lithuanian territory for a period of minimum five year before filing the application. This means that the applicant should be a holder of Lithuania Temporary Resident visa. In addition to this, the applicant must pass the Lithuanian test on language. This language test mainly focuses on sentences and words that are used daily in this country.

It goes without saying that Permanent Resident Visa brings with it some advantages more over the Temporary Resident Visa. The advantages include the following

• The individual becomes equivalent to a naïve Lithuanian citizen except the facts that he or she cannot vote or stand in an election and join the police force and army of this country.

• Visa is not required for Permanent Resident Visa holders to travel to countries that lie in the European Union (EU) and Schengen area.

• The holders of PRP can reside, do business, study, buy property, invest etcetera in countries of EU and Schengen area.

• Social help can be asked by PRP holders for raising children, disability, rent paying etcetera.

• PRP holders as well as their children can avail free education in schools and higher universities of the country.

So as the whole thing goes the first thing that needs to be done for applying for a PRP is to have a Temporary Resident Visa to Lithuania and stay in the country for five years. The eligibility criteria regarding education qualification, work experience etcetera has no definite or specific standards. However as always the case, a higher experience or qualification adds to the weight of the application that is filed by the applicant.

The application needs to be filed with the local Lithuanian embassy or consulate. The processing time may be anything from six months to a year. A visa consultancy is the best place to refer when filing the application for immigration to Lithuania.
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