A simple hemorrhoids home treatment can give you instant relief from the pain and itching of hemorrhoids -- without a costly visit to the doctor.
Hemorrhoids Are More Common Than You Think Hemorrhoids affect millions of people every year.
But many hemorrhoid sufferers are embarrassed to talk about their problem, even to their doctor, and suffer in silence for years.
This is unfortunate since, although hemorrhoids are seldom life threatening and most do not require a doctor visit, they can cause you major discomfort.
And often they can be relieved or even cured with an easy home treatment or simple change in diet.
If you've experienced the irritating symptoms of hemorrhoids -- including itching, tenderness, bleeding and even pain -- you will welcome the home treatments for hemorrhoids listed below.
There is no need to suffer -- not when a simple hemorrhoids home treatment can relieve your discomfort almost immediately.
6 Effective Hemorrhoid Home Treatments
Hemorrhoids Are More Common Than You Think Hemorrhoids affect millions of people every year.
But many hemorrhoid sufferers are embarrassed to talk about their problem, even to their doctor, and suffer in silence for years.
This is unfortunate since, although hemorrhoids are seldom life threatening and most do not require a doctor visit, they can cause you major discomfort.
And often they can be relieved or even cured with an easy home treatment or simple change in diet.
If you've experienced the irritating symptoms of hemorrhoids -- including itching, tenderness, bleeding and even pain -- you will welcome the home treatments for hemorrhoids listed below.
There is no need to suffer -- not when a simple hemorrhoids home treatment can relieve your discomfort almost immediately.
6 Effective Hemorrhoid Home Treatments
- Sit in a warm bathtub for about 20 minutes several times a day.
Especially after you have had a bowel movement.
- Use wipes moistened with aloe or witch hazel to gently wipe after a a bowel movement.
If these are unavailable try to use moistened toilet paper.
- After a bath or shower -- pat dry, don't wipe.
- Try to avoid soaps that contain perfumes or dyes.
Visit a health store or market for a good selection.
If you have questions, ask the workers.
Don't be embarrassed.
They are there to help you.
- Wear loose clothing and underwear.
This will help to reduce pressure in the area of the anus and allow for better blood flow. - Take acetaminophen and ibuprofen for the pain.
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) help heal the hemorrhoids directly, the relief they provide from the pain and even itching can help keep you from irritating them more.