- Up-to-date exchange rates often help consumers spot bargins.euro image by ivan kmit from Fotolia.com
The global financial environment often changes faster than you can say "Oktoberfest." Whether booking vacations or browsing online auctions, many rely on currency calculators to increase their budgeting confidence in international transactions. Many websites offer almost real-time exchange rate updates for the Euro and other global currencies. Several also offer smartphone applications to keep customers informed on the go and features tailored to international travelers. - The iGoogle tool provides a clear-cut, drop-down list of more than 70 currencies to give you multiple exchange rates. This currency calculator works well for casual inquiries and broad planning, such as determining a trip budget.
- XE provides such detailed information as multiple currency charts, money transfers and currency trading in addition to the simple drop-down calculator menu. Mobile applications are also available for iPhone, Blackberry and Android that allow you to set multiple default currency calculations and refresh for current mid-market rates.
- Oanda brought the first free currency calculator to the Internet. With frequent rate updates--tracked by the second on the mobile application--Oanda provides advanced options for multiple calculations while keeping a drop-menu format. The calculator allows for such options as automatically adding a 2 percent credit card fee and multiple percentage options for interbank rates often utilized in larger currency exchanges or point-of-sale calculations. The website also houses Forex trading for exchange.
- This site serves as a traveler's clearinghouse offering currency calculators by drop-down menu, map or image. While probably not the most frequently used calculator, the image option does provide a solution for the unidentifiable currency you've carried around from previous journeys. In addition, it hosts numerous other resources for global travels in the form of their blog, with tips with topics ranging from how to avoid hidden exchange fees to flight cancellations.
Google Finance for iGoogle