There are some kisses that you remember for a long long time and there are some that you would like to forget even before they end. So what is this factor that makes some kisses great and so memorable and some so "yuck!"? Well, here are seven tips that guys can use to become super kissers!
Looking good
The first thing to do is to look like a man that a girl would like to kiss. Having bad breath, not smelling good or wearing dowdy clothes all send out the wrong signals. You have to be the man that a woman wants to kiss. So, dress well, appear groomed, and take care of your breath with breath mints and most importantly have soft moist lips and shave!
Be uninhibited
When you head out with a girl forget about the guys that she has been with or how good they might have been at kissing. Enjoy yourself with her and remember that if they would have been that great then she would have been with them. That she is with you is what is important.
Emotional connect
Establish an emotional connection with her. Talk to her and listen to what she has to say. The more you enjoy each other's company the more enjoyable kissing is going to get. Emotional connect is what makes women comfortable and in a position to enjoy anything physical. So learn to listen and to talk.
Great kisses are the ones which are given in solitude, in places where you can forget everything else and just feel and hear each other bodies and breath. Avoid places where you feel self conscious as this will make you stiff and the kiss will be over even before it starts. Be in a place where the only thing that is of consequence is you and the person with you!
A great kisser will adapt to the rhythm of the person that he is kissing. He is aware of the different forms and styles of kissing and is willing to experiment with his partner. But adaptability is when you are able to shift form one gear to another gauging a person's response. Learn of all the different types of kisses, the nip, the French kiss the regular kiss, the gentle caressing of the lips etc and use it on the girl that you are kissing
Your kissing should be in rhythm with the girl you are kissing. It should be soft, greedy, passionate yet gentle all at the same time. It should give the person enough time to catch her breath and not make her feel suffocated.
Let your kisses be warm and comfortable at all times and in harmony with what you are feeling. Taking a short break and gazing into her eyes while the two of you breathe together is a great way to reconnect and become a kisser that nobody forgets.
Stay in control
While all this is going on be in control of yourself. Don't lock the girl in an embrace where she might feel like she is being suffocated by an octopus. Also groping is a strict no no. Put your hands on her back or touch her face while you are kissing but that's the maximum about where you should be going without permission.
Now listen carefully-
What you are about to discover something most men will never know when it comes to attracting women. This is one thing which is an absolute must know for every man out there. You are about to discover an ultimate secret weapon which will make women chase you around like crazy Even If You Are Bald, Fat Or Ugly!.....Trust me....You don't want to miss this one. I strongly urge you to read everything on the next page because it might be the most important message you ever read-Click Here
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Looking good
The first thing to do is to look like a man that a girl would like to kiss. Having bad breath, not smelling good or wearing dowdy clothes all send out the wrong signals. You have to be the man that a woman wants to kiss. So, dress well, appear groomed, and take care of your breath with breath mints and most importantly have soft moist lips and shave!
Be uninhibited
When you head out with a girl forget about the guys that she has been with or how good they might have been at kissing. Enjoy yourself with her and remember that if they would have been that great then she would have been with them. That she is with you is what is important.
Emotional connect
Establish an emotional connection with her. Talk to her and listen to what she has to say. The more you enjoy each other's company the more enjoyable kissing is going to get. Emotional connect is what makes women comfortable and in a position to enjoy anything physical. So learn to listen and to talk.
Great kisses are the ones which are given in solitude, in places where you can forget everything else and just feel and hear each other bodies and breath. Avoid places where you feel self conscious as this will make you stiff and the kiss will be over even before it starts. Be in a place where the only thing that is of consequence is you and the person with you!
A great kisser will adapt to the rhythm of the person that he is kissing. He is aware of the different forms and styles of kissing and is willing to experiment with his partner. But adaptability is when you are able to shift form one gear to another gauging a person's response. Learn of all the different types of kisses, the nip, the French kiss the regular kiss, the gentle caressing of the lips etc and use it on the girl that you are kissing
Your kissing should be in rhythm with the girl you are kissing. It should be soft, greedy, passionate yet gentle all at the same time. It should give the person enough time to catch her breath and not make her feel suffocated.
Let your kisses be warm and comfortable at all times and in harmony with what you are feeling. Taking a short break and gazing into her eyes while the two of you breathe together is a great way to reconnect and become a kisser that nobody forgets.
Stay in control
While all this is going on be in control of yourself. Don't lock the girl in an embrace where she might feel like she is being suffocated by an octopus. Also groping is a strict no no. Put your hands on her back or touch her face while you are kissing but that's the maximum about where you should be going without permission.
Now listen carefully-
What you are about to discover something most men will never know when it comes to attracting women. This is one thing which is an absolute must know for every man out there. You are about to discover an ultimate secret weapon which will make women chase you around like crazy Even If You Are Bald, Fat Or Ugly!.....Trust me....You don't want to miss this one. I strongly urge you to read everything on the next page because it might be the most important message you ever read-Click Here
Feel free to use this article as long as the links are kept live.