Health & Medical Healthy Living

The Best Diets for the Obese

    Mediterranean Diet

    • The Mediterranean diet is the best way for people to lose weight if they are also suffering from type 2 diabetes, according to Medline Plus. The Mediterranean diet is a way of eating that emphasizes whole grains, nuts and seeds, plenty of fruits and vegetables, and more fish in place of meat, as well as a minimal consumption of dairy products. Besides helping you to lose weight, this diet lowers your risk of cardio-related health issues. The results of a 2009 four-year Italian study revealed that of the two groups with type 2 diabetes, the ones following the Mediterranean diet lost more weight, lowered their cholesterol and about one-quarter of them no longer needed diabetes medication.

    DASH Diet

    • The DASH diet is the best way to lose weight and simultaneously lower your blood pressure, according to the National Heart, Lung, & Blood Institute. DASH stands for Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension. It's a plan that was initially advocated to lower blood pressure and your risk of stroke, but because it differs from the typical U.S. diet of fried and processed foods, participants who adopt a healthier lifestyle will lose weight. The diet emphasizes whole grains, fresh produce, legumes, fish and poultry. On this plan you can eat red meat and sweets, but in minimal amounts. Because of the reduced sodium intake, on this diet you can expect to lower your blood pressure in two weeks' time. This diet is based on 2,000 calories, but for weight loss, you can lower that to about 1,600 calories.

    Vegetarian Diet

    • The April 2006 issue of Nutrition Review confirmed that a vegetarian diet is one of the best ways to lose weight. The article reviewed more than 80 studies to confirm that vegetarians weigh 3 to 20 percent less than their meat-eating counterparts. They also have lower blood pressure, cholesterol and risk of certain chronic diseases. The lead author of the study said that eating plenty of whole grain, fruits and vegetables is a great way to achieve your optimum weight. A true vegetarian diet eschews meat and seafood. A vegetarian who also consumes dairy products is a lacto-ovo vegetarian. If you consume dairy products but not eggs, you are a lacto-vegetarian.

    Low-GI Diet

    • Australian scientists at Sydney's Westmead Hospital advocate a low-GI diet for obese people who would like to shed pounds quickly. The scientists say that followers of this diet will lose weight more quickly than on other diets. To follow a low-GI diet, one must look at the rankings of food on a glycemic index and eat foods in the low range, such as beans, low-fat milk and milk products, and whole grains. The lead scientist states that low GI-diets are effective for the obese. He thinks this is because the diet is not focused on servings or portion size but rather on the quality of the food as it ranks on the glycemic index.

    High-Fiber Diet

    • According to study results published in the Journal of the National Medical Association, people who followed a high-fiber diet for one to eight months showed a significant drop in their body weight. In addition to weight loss, the benefits of a high-fiber diet include decreased constipation, blood cholesterol and blood sugar, as well as a lowered risk of digestive conditions. On a high-fiber diet, you would eat plenty of whole grains, fruits and vegetables and decrease your consumption of processed grains. Some high-fiber foods are slow-cooked oatmeal, broccoli, pears, raspberries and oat bran muffins.

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