- 1). Lay a tarp on the ground near the area from which you will get your clay soil. Shovel the soil onto the tarp and then drag it to the raised bed. You may have to make several trips, depending on how big the raised bed is. For a small bed, use a wheelbarrow instead of the tarp.
- 2). Add 4 inches of shredded bark and 4 inches of compost to the soil and mix it until it is combined.
- 3). Shovel the amended clay soil into the raised bed and level it with a rake.
- 4). Spread a 5-inch layer of wood chips over the soil in the raised bed. Allow it to remain over the winter.
- 5). Till the soil in the raised bed in early spring, mixing what is left of the wood chips into the soil.
- 6). Add 3 inches of compost to the bed and mix it to a depth of 8 inches.