What I am about to share with you is not coming from a psychologist of some sort, it is an unconventional way you probably will find ridiculous, it is also a lasting solution not temporal.
The first step is to accept the situation, yes you read that right. Accept you are broken up, separated or divorced. Do not do the drunken texting terrorism and calling. You need to give your ex some space. You will be the first to know when your ex decides to get in touch with you. This is your first move in getting you ex back.
We often make these mistakes:
We try to apologize profusely for everything
Try to convince them we are the love of their life
Try to get them to see that it wasn't really our fault
Promise to change our ways for good if given another chance
This of course makes things worse and reduces the chance of you getting back together.
Instead take some time off, if possible take a short vacation to clear your head, you both need some alone time. Get your mind off the divorce by enjoying yourself with friends do not block out from the world, go out and have fun. Have it at the back of your mind that you will surely get back together.
You need to make your ex believe you can survive by yourself, stick to the non communication tactic. I know might be difficult but this is your best move in making your ex to crave your absent in his or her life.
Do not make the same mistake like most people do "gossip". By trying to make ourselves feel better we tell your friends about the short comings of your ex. This will definitely eliminate your chances of you coming back together. Remember the walls have ears, so don't do it.
You can have all these back:
Listen to music again without being tortured by past memories
Go about your day with a light heart
Get your appetite back
Sleep restfully again
Get back to planning for the future instead of living in the past
Stop being green with envy every time you spot a happy couple
Did I get your attention? Well it is true. You can return to the harms of the love of your life.
The first step is to accept the situation, yes you read that right. Accept you are broken up, separated or divorced. Do not do the drunken texting terrorism and calling. You need to give your ex some space. You will be the first to know when your ex decides to get in touch with you. This is your first move in getting you ex back.
We often make these mistakes:
We try to apologize profusely for everything
Try to convince them we are the love of their life
Try to get them to see that it wasn't really our fault
Promise to change our ways for good if given another chance
This of course makes things worse and reduces the chance of you getting back together.
Instead take some time off, if possible take a short vacation to clear your head, you both need some alone time. Get your mind off the divorce by enjoying yourself with friends do not block out from the world, go out and have fun. Have it at the back of your mind that you will surely get back together.
You need to make your ex believe you can survive by yourself, stick to the non communication tactic. I know might be difficult but this is your best move in making your ex to crave your absent in his or her life.
Do not make the same mistake like most people do "gossip". By trying to make ourselves feel better we tell your friends about the short comings of your ex. This will definitely eliminate your chances of you coming back together. Remember the walls have ears, so don't do it.
You can have all these back:
Listen to music again without being tortured by past memories
Go about your day with a light heart
Get your appetite back
Sleep restfully again
Get back to planning for the future instead of living in the past
Stop being green with envy every time you spot a happy couple
Did I get your attention? Well it is true. You can return to the harms of the love of your life.