Health & Medical Hemorrhoids

Hemorrhoids Cures - Which is the Best Natural Hemorrhoids Treatment?

Hemorrhoids are a painful condition that affects millions of people all over the world.
Studies have shown that about 40-50 percent of the adult population will suffer from hemorrhoids at some point of their life.
Hemorrhoids are actually swollen veins in the anal and rectal region, mainly due to excessive pressure and strain.
Some of the symptoms they can cause are: mild to extreme pain, itching and bleeding.
When it comes to preventing or curing this condition, diet is the most important factor.
By eating the right foods and following some easy tips, you will be able to overcome this irritating problem.
Here are some quick tips that can help you cure hemorrhoids:
  • Avoid sitting for long periods of time.
    Prolonged sitting will make the situation worst, so try to take frequent short walks.
  • Eat more fiber.
    Foods that are high in fiber like beans, whole-grain breads and raw vegetables, will help you reduce constipation that is one of the main causes of this condition.
  • Avoid eating very spicy foods because they can irritate the bowels.
  • Don't drink any alcohol, because it affects the liver and worsens the situation.
  • Being overweight can also contribute to the problem, so try to lose a few pounds.
  • Ice Packs.
    Appling ice to the hemorrhoids a couple of times a day for about 10 minutes will reduce the swelling of the veins.
  • Use a Doughnut Cushion.
    If you have to sit down for long periods of time, sitting on a doughnut ring will help you relieve pain and discomfort.
  • Choose a softer toilet paper.
    You shouldn't use a rough toilet paper, because it can irritate hemorrhoids.
    Prefer unscented wet wipes.
While people often pay a lot of money for expensive hemorrhoid treatments or surgery, there are natural ways to cure this condition that are much cheaper and more effective.
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