- 1). Identify the main entrance to the carpenter bee's nest. Observe the bees over a couple of days and take note of where they most commonly enter and leave their nest. There may well be a number of entrances that you'll need to find, but carpenter bee colonies usually establish one main point of entry and exit to their nests.
- 2). Change into your loose fitting protective clothing and put on your hat and gloves. Attach the netting to the base of the hat and tuck the ends of it into the neck of your clothing, securing it with the clothespins.
- 3). Position the hose of the vacuum cleaner over the main entrance of the nest. Set the vacuum to its highest setting and switch it on. The suction created will remove some of the bees from the nest.
- 4). Spray borax into the nest and seal all entrances with dowelling. Borax is made of hydrous sodium borate, a natural mineral that is poisonous to carpenter bees. Secure the dowelling into place with the putty.
- 5). Apply a coating of almond oil to all entrance holes of the nest. This acts as a carpenter bee repellent.
- 6). Paint the wood around the nest. Keep the wood around the nest in a good state of repair and repaint regularly. Carpenter bees are attracted to tired, worn surfaces and cannot easily bore into wood that has recently been painted.