People are certainly thinking about how they can help the environment by living greener and you can use these ideas for home improvement as well. You can actually make the comfort and style of your home a lot better by simply using eco friendly methods and they can also save you money on bills. In this article we'll be looking at some green ways to make improvements to your home.
When trying to be green a very good area to take a look at is your home furnishings. Reupholstering and repairing your furnishings is sometimes much better than buying new ones as it's not only green but it will save you money.
If you really must purchase some new furniture you should try keeping an eye out for good quality used pieces. Antique auctions are a good place to start at when looking for some good bits of furniture as they are held pretty much everywhere. Rare and high end antiques tend to cost a lot however you can find lots of excellent pieces of furniture at good prices in auctions. The conservancy of water is a big one if you want to have a more environmentally friendly home. Efficient use of water can also help you save money. You can save loads of water by using a low flush toilet. Other water conserving devices are aerators that can be attached to your faucets and a low flow head for your shower. It may also be a good idea to take a closer look at your water heater. You can reduce your bills by using an energy efficient water heater because it will supply you with hot water on demand instead of all the time. Lastly, you can use less water by installing rain water barrels outside of your home. You can then use this water on your lawn and plants.
Yards and gardens are a fabulous place to experience eco-friendly life and it will improve the way your home and what is around it is viewed. One simple thing you can do to save energy is to plant trees strategically around your house to provide you with more shade in the summer and insulation from the wind in the winter. A garden where you grow edible plants and vegetables is a great way to get nutritious foods into your diet and save money on groceries. When deciding what plants to have around your house, and even inside it, the most eco-friendly are those that are native to your region, as it will require less work to keep them healthy. To finish, substitute all regular pesticides for natural ones in your gardens to keep the pesky animals and critters away. To end with, bettering your residence while trying to stay "green" makes common sense. It is more economical and will offer you more comfort when you choose in this way. Good insulation for instance, saves you money and allows you to stay toasty. The above mentioned suggested tips are just several for environmentally friendly changes. You can in all probability come up with other ideas with some refection.
These do-it-yourself recommendations can be extremely useful for many home improvement jobs.
For more specific projects look at the links below.
When trying to be green a very good area to take a look at is your home furnishings. Reupholstering and repairing your furnishings is sometimes much better than buying new ones as it's not only green but it will save you money.
If you really must purchase some new furniture you should try keeping an eye out for good quality used pieces. Antique auctions are a good place to start at when looking for some good bits of furniture as they are held pretty much everywhere. Rare and high end antiques tend to cost a lot however you can find lots of excellent pieces of furniture at good prices in auctions. The conservancy of water is a big one if you want to have a more environmentally friendly home. Efficient use of water can also help you save money. You can save loads of water by using a low flush toilet. Other water conserving devices are aerators that can be attached to your faucets and a low flow head for your shower. It may also be a good idea to take a closer look at your water heater. You can reduce your bills by using an energy efficient water heater because it will supply you with hot water on demand instead of all the time. Lastly, you can use less water by installing rain water barrels outside of your home. You can then use this water on your lawn and plants.
Yards and gardens are a fabulous place to experience eco-friendly life and it will improve the way your home and what is around it is viewed. One simple thing you can do to save energy is to plant trees strategically around your house to provide you with more shade in the summer and insulation from the wind in the winter. A garden where you grow edible plants and vegetables is a great way to get nutritious foods into your diet and save money on groceries. When deciding what plants to have around your house, and even inside it, the most eco-friendly are those that are native to your region, as it will require less work to keep them healthy. To finish, substitute all regular pesticides for natural ones in your gardens to keep the pesky animals and critters away. To end with, bettering your residence while trying to stay "green" makes common sense. It is more economical and will offer you more comfort when you choose in this way. Good insulation for instance, saves you money and allows you to stay toasty. The above mentioned suggested tips are just several for environmentally friendly changes. You can in all probability come up with other ideas with some refection.
These do-it-yourself recommendations can be extremely useful for many home improvement jobs.
For more specific projects look at the links below.