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The Democrat War on the Christian God

"Christian God?" You mean there are other Gods?

Of course not, unless we include the multiple pagan gods, the god of Mammon, the god of Hollywood, Michael Jackson, et al.

We could say the Democratic Party is at war with the Judeo-Christian God, which is the same God, but that construct wouldn't be precisely true either since their war rarely encompasses Judaism's Yahweh-nor Islam's Allah, nor polytheistic major and minor deities.

The reason for the Democrat's war is fairly obvious: Having devolved into an irrelegious political party catering to a predominantly irrelegious and faithless consituency, Democrats must give that constituency its undivided attention.

Dominated by those who favor elimination of any mention of God in a nation founded on a belief in an Almighty Being, Democrats must ignore America's history and focus on winning votes from the Great Unwashed.

America's Left, Democrats, like to harp on the absence of the G-word, God, in the Constitution, suggesting that omission was deliberate and thereby implying the Founders planned on an atheistic nation.

What poppycock!

The issues of God's "presence" in the Declaration of Independence, the Constitution, the Bill of Rights, and even in the Articles of Confederation are far too complex to be discussed here. I would instead refer the reader to "Where Is God in the Constitution, a article:" []

Suffice to say, neither the Founders nor later lawmakers, and certainly not the mass of Americans, had any intent of excluding God from this nation, except in the minds of today's Democrats.

"In God We Trust" is America's national motto and engraved on our currency. "So help you God" concludes most oaths of office and legal testimony. "Under God" was added to the Pledge of Allegiance more than half a century ago. A national holiday, Christmas Day, is a commemoration of the birth of Jesus Christ, the Son of God, even if it has now been widely secularized.

Democrats aren't content with that secularization success and persist in pushing an agenda aimed at total elimination of reference to a deity in America's public life, always hiding behind that mythical constitutional "clause" mandating a strict separation of church and state-which clause doesn't exist.

That so-called "establishment clause" is as difficult to locate in the Constitution as "the right to privacy," the basis for Roe v. Wade and 50 million abortions since 1973 since both are interpretations, not specific features in that document.

The latest leftist crusade against God launched by the atheistic gadfly organization, the Freedom from Religion Foundation, FFRF, centers on a man-made structure, the Capitol Visitors Center in D.C. The atheists are demanding the federal courts expunge all reference to God in the building.

People's motivations in demanding such actions are sometimes difficult to judge but not in the case of this particular group. Neither is the motivation of the ACLU in joining the good guys in this case.

The FFRF, however, proudly proclaims its goals on its website.

Cloaked in smokescreens, the foundation of the FFRF is stated as follows: "Our Constitution was very purposefully written to be a godless document, whose only references to religion are exclusionary."

In pursuit of proving that contention, the FFRF promises endless lawsuits, publishing "free thought" books, and free indoctrination sessions at high schools and colleges. Its verbatim statements are somewhat different but can be read here: []

(Legal beagles may see the amicus curiae brief filed by the American Center for Law and Justice and 40 Republican House and Senate members in United States District Court in Wisconsin seeking dismissal in the matter of the Freedom from Religion Foundation, et al. vs Stephen Ayers, Acting Architect of the Capitol here: [])

The FFRF lawsuit isn't the beginning of the Democrat Left's assault on God and advocacy of American godlessness. Part II will explore the tangents of that assault.
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