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Self Destruction Education

What would you ask if you discovered that the very programs brought into your school to protect and educate our children on sexual education, drug-free education (D.A.R.E.), death education, and even the drug Ritalin is actually designed to create a problem where there wasn't one before? Would you ask "Why?" And if you did ask why, what would the answer be?

Charlotte Thomson Iserbyt, former Senior Policy Advisor for the US Dept of Education under Reagan, captures it effectively, "These controversial, "innovative" programs included health education, sex education, drug and alcohol education, death education, critical thinking education, etc. Since then I have always found it interesting that the controversial school programs are the only ones that have the word "education" attached to them! I don't recall--until recently--"math ed.," "reading ed.," "history ed.," or "science ed."In 1967, Ritalin "chemical experimentation" was granted authority on the United States public school children by the US government, more specifically the Behavioral Science Teacher Education Program, which stated "a small elite" would control everything deemed important, and the small elite would be the final word on all matters--regardless. The document spells out clearly from the start exactly who is in control through "impersonal manipulation" via the American classroom.

"Few will be able to maintain control over their opinions" in the new Amerika, where "each individual receives at birth, a multi purpose identification number" which allows tracking in numerous pertinent areas to aid the trackers in exposing children to direct or subliminal influence as needed. Ritalin is an extremely dangerous drug with numerous side effects. Some experts call it a gateway drug, which will more than solidify the user's chance of moving on to other, more deadly drugs. The USA uses 85% of the world's Ritalin usage.

Prescriptions for Ritalin nationwide expanded 150 percent in the 1990s. By 1998, Michigan ranked third in the nation in Ritalin use, and it was at that time that critics began to wonder why they weren't seeing similar outbreaks of clinically diagnosed ADHD in, say, Europe?

Why would a serious disease strike only American school children?

In the early 70s, we saw the introduction of Death Education, wherein students were given certain scenarios through say, a sinking ship with limited lifeboats, and students had to determine through evaluation whom should be saved and whom would not. Creative answers of saving everyone were not accepted.Another federally funded (to the tune of $7 million) program for 10-year olds, Man: A Course of Study (M:ACOS) (Education Development Center: Cambridge, Massachusetts, 1975), was another gory death education example developed by B.F. Skinner and his ilk. Interestingly, around fifty commercial publishers refused to publish the course because of its objectionable content.

Excerpt follows:"The wife knew that the spirits had said her husband should eat her, but she was so exhausted that it made no impression on her, she did not care. It was only when he began to feel her, when it occurred to him to stick his fingers in her side to feel if there was flesh on her, that she suddenly felt a terrible fear; so she, who had never been afraid of dying, now tried to escape. With her feeble strength she ran for her life, and then it was as if Tuneq saw her only as a quarry that was about to escape him; he ran after her and stabbed her to death. After that, he lived on her, and collected her bones in a heap over by the side of the platform for the purpose of fulfilling the taboo rule required of all who die. (p. 115).

"In THE SCHOOL COUNSELOR, PUBLICATION OF THE AMERICAN PERSONNEL AND GUIDANCE ASSOCIATION, May 1977 issue (Vol. 24, #5). we are told, remarkably, the intent behind death ed, sex ed, drug ed, and health ed.

Helping Students Clarify Values:âEUR¦ "The last goal is to help students clarify their values on social and ethical issues. An underlying, but seldom spoken, assumption of much of the death education movement is that Americans handle death and dying poorly and that we ought to be doing better at it. As in the case of many other problems, many Americans believe that education can initiate change. Change is evident, and death education will play as important a part in changing attitudes toward death as sex education played in changing attitudes toward sex information and wider acceptance of various sexual practices. " "âEUR¦do better at it?" Do BETTER at it?

So, teaching our children how to choose who should live and who should die is what we're striving for here academically? Of course, this translates to more death education exposure for our children which equals more knowledgeable practice into these areas which equals HARM TO OUR CHILDREN. One only has to look at the outcome of sex education to understand this concept.Sexual Education has been "furthered" to help our children through condoms/abortifacients/abortions on demand.

Obviously, our sex education has enabled our children far more than curtail them. It's as if that was the plan all along. And with the guide given out the "Happy, Healthy and Hot" Sex Guide" handed out at many youth functions, such as Girl Scout Meetings at the UN, seals the deal.Now that we've got Ms. Obama standing in the place of First Lady, she has chosen her cause nutrition. Just think of the helpful wonders that her nutrition education program is bound to perform for our children.Our children are not human "resources" or human "capital". They are human beings endowed by the rights of their Creator. When our education reformers' plans are designed to destroy our children, is it any wonder we see scenarios like Littleton, Colorado playing out, rampant teen pregnancy, the degradation of our bodies through sex and health and drugs and alcohol? When education means "to change thoughts, feelings, and actions," is it any wonder that Aristotle so wisely spoke that "The educated differ from the uneducated as much as the living from the dead."?

Let's remove our children from "education education" and provide them an academic, moral and character driven upbringing at home. Think God. Think. Home. Think You.
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