- 1). Cite your article's author with an in-text citation, which directly follows a quote or paraphrase of information from that article. Include the author's last name and publication year, separated by a comma, and enclosed in parentheses. For example:
Here is a line of paraphrased text (Author Last Name, Date). - 2). Create a page where you will list full bibliographic information at the end of your paper or essay. Title this separate page "References."
- 3). List your referenced article's bibliographic information on this reference page. Include the author's last name, first initial, publication year in parentheses, then a period. The article title is then listed, in sentence case, followed by the periodical or journal title in title case, the volume number in parenthesis and specific range of pages referenced. For example:
Author Last Name, Initial (Date). Title of article. Title of Periodical (issue number), pages referenced.