- 1). Ask a football team's equipment manager for any football equipment or clothing he does not need and can give to you. Football teams are sometimes comprised of more than 100 people, so equipment managers often purchase huge inventories worth of football stuff, some of which they never use. Obviously, one has to have access to the equipment manager in order to ask such a question, but if you do, do not be afraid to ask---these guys are used to it.
- 2). Participate in team-sponsored charity events. Most football teams put their athletes to use by having them take on charity projects. Often, these events double as publicity stunts and involve working with the community. If you are willing to lend a hand and some time, football shirts, gloves and hats are usually given out to volunteers and the players are often willing to sign some footballsat these events.
- 3). Look for football prizes during games. Cheerleaders and mascots quite frequently toss random football memorabilia into the stands. Organizations sometimes give away caps, gloves and footballs prior to games. And lucky raffle winners are given football stuff just for having their ticket numbers called on the public address system.
- 4). Ask management for free football gear and paraphernalia. If you are running a non-profit, a toy drive or even just working at a needy school, individual football organizations may be willing to supply your cause with football equipment and clothing. Giving away equipment helps teams get publicity and is a tax-deduction in most cases, so they are more than obliged to supply equipment to as many people and causes as they can.
How to Get Free Football Stuff