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Colorful lollipops are perfect for a candy bouquet centerpiece.Burke/Triolo Productions/Brand X Pictures/Getty Images
Create a candy bouquet for each table. Fill a flower pot or vase with jelly beans, red hots or an assortment of candies. Stick large lollipops into the pots. Choose a variety of round and long twisted ones to add pizazz. - 2
Gumdrops make a colorful flower accent.Photos.com/AbleStock.com/Getty Images
Press large gumdrops onto lollipop sticks and arrange in the container. Accent with pixie sticks or any candies that come in a straw. Select giant straws in bright colors for maximum impact. - 3). Tie curling ribbon in bright colors around the container. Sprinkle additional candies on the table to add dimension.
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Balloons wrapped as candy add a festive touch.Stockbyte/Stockbyte/Getty Images
Make giant pieces of floating candy to give your centerpiece height. Fill balloons with helium and tie with curling ribbon, leaving a 2-foot tail of ribbon. - 2). Wrap the balloons in bright cellophane that is at least a foot longer than the width of the balloon. Twist the cellophane at each end to resemble wrapped candy and secure with curling ribbon.
- 3). Cut several copies of the letter "M" from copy paper and glue to additional balloons. Cluster three to five balloons for each centerpiece and tie their strings around a box of candies to anchor them. Place in the center of the table
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Gingerbread Houses Can Be Centerpiece, Activity and Party FavorThomas Northcut/Photodisc/Getty Images
Purchase a gingerbread house kit for each table. Assemble the houses, following the instructions in the kit. - 2). Decorate each gingerbread house with candy, or include dishes of candy and icing tubes as part of your centerpiece so that guests can decorate it as a party activity. Write guests' names on gingerbread men with icing to use as place cards and party favors.
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Candy decor is a party favorite.Photos.com/AbleStock.com/Getty Images
Wrap styrofoam balls in cellophane to create over-sized candies. Cut the cellophane at least a foot longer than the styrofoam balls. Twist cellophane at each end and tie with curling ribbon to look like wrapped candies. - 2
Larger-than-life lollypops add color to the table.Comstock/Comstock/Getty Images
Staple two styrofoam plates with right sides together to form a giant lollipop. Insert a candy straw as the stick. Wrap the plates in cellophane. Gather the cellophane around the stick and secure with curling ribbon. Cluster the candies in the center of the table.
Create a Candy Bouquet
Floating Candy Takes Your Party Decor to New Heights
Gingerbread Houses Multitask
Giant Candies Add a Splashy Touch