Health & Medical Acne

Get The Inside Scoop On How To Stop Picking Your Acne

Acne, when it appears can be so annoying.
Not only does it hurt, it seems to know when you are going to have a very special occasion and pops up at most obvious region.
Even if it is a tiny one or a humongous one, acne is still acne and it is so unflattering.
For most people (I was among this group), we think that by picking our acne it would go away faster and allow us to have at least some form of relief.
The relief may come but with consequences that you would later regret.
I know this because when I was a teenager I used to seriously pick my acne especially when I could not take the ache.
This was the beginning of my skin problems when I grew older.
Picking your acne leads to the appearance of spots or scars which could take months to get rid of if you use a spot removal cream or years if you don't.
Another problem is that by picking your acne you invite more.
This is because picking your acne forces the acne causing bacteria into your skin thereby causing the production of more acne.
Besides your finger or hand that you use to pick your acne is not sterile, so why pick your acne? You might say that it is so hard to stop picking your acne as it has become a habit for you.
However you need to know that habits can be stopped.
You just need to replace it with a nice habit.
I knew that picking my acne was not doing me any good so I needed to kick the habit.
I had to find ways to prevent me from picking my acne which led me to these 3 steps that helped me kick my nasty habit.
I hope they would be useful for you as it was for me (as I no more pick my acne or constantly touch my face).
They are: 1.
Think of yourself as a celebrity (DON'T laugh).
I am serious; most celebrities are hounded by the paparazzi who take so many pictures of them whether they know it or not and then publish it in magazines, newspaper or on the internet.
So imagine that you were a celebrity picking you acne unconsciously in public and a photographer takes your picture, publishes it the next day with a very annoying caption.
I am sure that would annoy and probably embarrass you (I know that i would be embarrassed).
So next time you want to pick your acne, remember you are a celebrity (even if it is only you that knows that) and that someone could be watching (even if you are at home alone).
This was a major help for me, I hope you try it.
It however takes discipline.
If you grow your nails, I would advice you to cut it while you are trying to kick the habit of picking your acne.
I noticed that when you have nails you tend to pick your acne more.
If you are a lady and use false or artificial nails, I suggest that you remove them at least until you have gotten over your habit.
When you have gotten rid of your habit, you can then grow your nails or fix false nails.
Do not worry if you are faithful to kicking your habit, it won't be long before you fix your nails again.
You can try applying a natural and safe mask like a tomato mask, garlic mask or egg white mask to your face.
These masks help refresh your face and help treat your acne.
One advantage is that when the mask is on your face you cannot pick your acne as you do not want to get your hand messy.
Well, I hope that you consider using these steps to kick your habit.
The thing with habits is that it is something that you keep doing continuously.
So if you discipline yourself enough to stop picking your acne, soon you won't even know when you no longer find yourself picking your acne as it would have become a part of you.
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