Chances are that if you are anything like most website owners out there, you have read article after article pertaining to traffic generation.
That's all well and good, and is an appropriate first step for any webmaster worth his weight in HTML.
But how many of those articles branched out and told you something that you didn't already know? How many of them actually had a new method for those looking for the secret method for how to generate website traffic? That's what I thought.
They all likely told you the exact same thing--search engine optimization and backlinks.
Well backlinks and SEO tricks may be good for some people (and you should certainly take advantage of those tools no matter what you do with your website), but they are so last decade.
We are in the world of Web 2.
0, streaming video and all kinds of other amazing web technologies.
It's time to take advantage of them as they were meant to be taken advantage of.
So how do we do it? How did I promote my site? And more importantly, how do you promote your site? With the biggest and brightest market in the web revolution--videos.
Yes, the same things that you have wasted hours watching on sites like YouTube and Google Video.
Since you were joined by millions of other people as you blew a day away, the video market is the perfect untapped resource for anyone who wants to learn how to generate website traffic.
Now that is all well and good, but what are the steps to success? Well, obviously, the first step you need is to actually make a video.
Not just any video, but a video with engaging content that still manages to target a specific audience and pre-sell.
Getting the crowd all hot and bothered when thinking about your product is exactly what you want to do--but don't make the video seem too much like marketing mumbo jumbo, or people will spot it immediately.
You need to be a little sneaky.
Provide information that people want while enticing them to visit your site and buy your product.
The best way to go about getting your message across relies on three key factors.
You need good images, good music, and a quick and concise link that people can follow to your site.
Once you have these three main points taken care of, the visitors will begin pouring in.
Learning how to generate website traffic via the video market is a piece of cake once you get used to it.
From past experience, it is actually far easier than getting backlinks, posting in forums, and so on.
But, like all things website related, it takes time to master.
Do not expect to have your first video be a worldwide success, because it probably won't be.
Instead, keep putting out videos in your niche.
Good videos that people will actually want to watch.
And you will see the visitors start flocking to your site like never before.
That's all well and good, and is an appropriate first step for any webmaster worth his weight in HTML.
But how many of those articles branched out and told you something that you didn't already know? How many of them actually had a new method for those looking for the secret method for how to generate website traffic? That's what I thought.
They all likely told you the exact same thing--search engine optimization and backlinks.
Well backlinks and SEO tricks may be good for some people (and you should certainly take advantage of those tools no matter what you do with your website), but they are so last decade.
We are in the world of Web 2.
0, streaming video and all kinds of other amazing web technologies.
It's time to take advantage of them as they were meant to be taken advantage of.
So how do we do it? How did I promote my site? And more importantly, how do you promote your site? With the biggest and brightest market in the web revolution--videos.
Yes, the same things that you have wasted hours watching on sites like YouTube and Google Video.
Since you were joined by millions of other people as you blew a day away, the video market is the perfect untapped resource for anyone who wants to learn how to generate website traffic.
Now that is all well and good, but what are the steps to success? Well, obviously, the first step you need is to actually make a video.
Not just any video, but a video with engaging content that still manages to target a specific audience and pre-sell.
Getting the crowd all hot and bothered when thinking about your product is exactly what you want to do--but don't make the video seem too much like marketing mumbo jumbo, or people will spot it immediately.
You need to be a little sneaky.
Provide information that people want while enticing them to visit your site and buy your product.
The best way to go about getting your message across relies on three key factors.
You need good images, good music, and a quick and concise link that people can follow to your site.
Once you have these three main points taken care of, the visitors will begin pouring in.
Learning how to generate website traffic via the video market is a piece of cake once you get used to it.
From past experience, it is actually far easier than getting backlinks, posting in forums, and so on.
But, like all things website related, it takes time to master.
Do not expect to have your first video be a worldwide success, because it probably won't be.
Instead, keep putting out videos in your niche.
Good videos that people will actually want to watch.
And you will see the visitors start flocking to your site like never before.