Technology Software

Adult Website Filtering

Should you be blocking porn websites from your home computer? Well if you don't like porn you should be.
Do you have a wife and kids? If you do, you definitely need to be blocking porn sites with some sort of adult website filtering software.
Porn sites are very sneaky in how they operate.
You can get all kinds of adware and spyware installed on your pc that will only show porn related materials.
If you have kids, this is one thing you should be really concerned about.
I am going to expose a few things to you that not many people know about.
I have in the past run many adult websites, and have even worked for a few of the biggest porn companies in the industry.
I was not the person filming or shooting, I was the person that works behind the lines as a web developer.
I would help code the membership areas and the ads that the companies used.
I admit I am not proud of the line of work I was in, but I'm here to help you stay away from porn and all the seedy things that come along with it.
The porn industry is a multi-billion dollar industry, but because of a downsized economy sales are at an all-time low.
This is making the companies become more unethical than they already are.
They are pulling sneaky tricks, like placing cookies to monitor your online activities.
They are offering free download that install adware and spyware on your computer.
This is only the tip of the ice berg.
The porn companies have what they call affiliates.
These affiliates promote the porn sites and get a piece of the commission.
What makes this bad though is the fact that these affiliates are suffering from some of the all-time lowest sales.
You might think this is a good thing, but it is not.
When you have people with no morals looking to increase their porn sales, they try to get everyone they can to their sites.
It does not matter the age, race, or sex.
They want these visitors and will market their sites on non porn sites, and try to expose everyone they can to them.
Believe it or not this is not the worst part.
They will create something free for you to download or run an auto download into you temporary internet files and install a virus, adware, or spyware.
These will give you popups to porn and all kinds of other nasty stuff.
Now you might be thinking that is illegal, and you are 100% right.
Think about it for a moment, we are dealing with unethical people that are willing to stop at nothing to get a sale.
In their eyes, doing something illegal or unethical is just another day of work.
Now, let's say a porn affiliate is promoting a huge porn company, and the porn company happens to find out the affiliate is doing something illegal.
What do you think they are going to do about it.
When I started in the adult industry years ago, that affiliate would have his or her account canceled and been reported to every agency possible (Including the F.
You know what happens now, They turn a blind eye to it.
I know this first hand, and this is the reason I am no longer in the adult industry.
I wish I could go into more details on this, but I would be jeopardizing myself and my family.
To sum all this up, you need to filter adult websites from your computer.
Working in the adult industry, we were able to bypass almost all adult filters one way or another.
There was only one piece of software we were not able to bypass, and it was My Porn Blocker.
These guys made a great piece of software and update it all the time.
Till this day no porn company has found a way to get past this great software.
So please check out this software so you or your family is not exposed to any of the corrupt and shady companies I used to work for.
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