Health & Medical Healthy Living

Powerful Remedies for a Healthy Prostate


    • Eating a consistently healthy diet is key for optimal prostate health. Because the prostate is so dependent on hormones for regulation, strive to eat for healthy hormone maintenance. Eating meat and dairy on a daily basis may lead to prostate enlargement. Reducing or eliminating these food groups and instead eating a vegetarian diet can decrease your risk of prostate problems. Try to consume healthier fats from sources such as ground flaxseed and cold-water fish like salmon and mackerel.

    Saw Palmetto

    • This is a popular supplement for prostate health. It is unknown exactly how saw palmetto works, but scientists speculate that it affects testosterone levels. This, in turn, can reduce the levels of an enzyme that promotes prostate cell growth. This herb may help men cope with the symptoms of benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH), a condition characterized by an enlarged prostate gland. Saw palmetto can also help with symptoms such as frequent urination and difficulty maintaining urine flow.


    • While the nettle plant can cause burning pain when touched, its root has medicinal properties that may benefit male health. Especially when used in conjunction with pygeum or saw palmetto, nettle can help treat prostate enlargement. It may help decrease urinary obstruction and frequency, and can aid in completely emptying the bladder. However, it cannot help shrink the prostate, so don't neglect any medications your doctor prescribes.


    • The bark of the African plum tree is powdered to make this supplement for prostate health. While pygeum does not necessarily help shrink an enlarged prostate gland, it can help with associated symptoms. Pygeum may help reduce urination frequency, urinary hesitancy and any pain associated with urination. On the minus side, you may experience mild stomach discomfort when taking pygeum.

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