Business & Finance Corporations

3 Sure Fire Ways to Fire Your Boss - The Secrets Are Out

How good would it feel to fire your boss? I can tell you from experience, it feels awesome! A little nerve-racking, yes...
but worth it? Absolutely! In this article I'm going to give you 3 sure fire ways to get on track to firing your boss.
So perhaps you've been unhappy in your current professional situation for awhile now.
But what have you done about it? Have you joined your coworkers blaming and complaining about your boss, other coworkers, your income, hours, etc.
? Or have you dirtied your hands and did some soul searching and research about careers that might make you happier? The first sure-fire way to being able to fire your boss is to decide what you DO want.
You know you don't want to continue on the career path you are on.
So do some soul searching, decide what you do want, and lay out some specific goals to achieve it.
Very few people actually write down their short and long term goals...
without writing them down, how can you possibly expect to achieve them? The second sure fire way to fire your boss is to focus on what you are passionate about.
When you are researching a different career path, don't just go for the money or the convenience.
Do what you love.
Don't let anyone else discourage you from doing so.
Be consistent and persistent even when friends and family claim you have gone crazy.
As a side note here, I personally would encourage you to look into entrepreneurship...
particularly online.
There are a slew of trusted, non-scammy, reliable ways to make money online from the comfort of your own home...
I do.
All in all, if you are serious about living out your passion and don't want to have thousands of dollars and years of education wrapped up in preparation, consider online entrepreneurship, or at least entrepreneurship in general.
A final sure-fire way to fire your boss is to find a mentor in your desired career path.
It might cost you a little money to work with them, but the knowledge you will gain is invaluable.
Think of it as the money you would invest in schooling.
A good mentor can speed up the learning curve and put you on the fast track to making money in your desired profession.
Believe me, once you begin working on your "passion profession" around your current work schedule, you will want to start making money and stop working essentially two jobs ASAP! Getting to the point of being able to fire your boss is no picnic in the park.
It takes hard work and dedication, even when you feel like coming home and crashing in the evening, you will have things that need to be done.
The key is that even though it will be frustrating at times, it will be worth it, and for the vast majority of the time, you will enjoy your work because it is what you are passionate about.
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