Law & Legal & Attorney Accidents & personal injury Law

Possible Complications Of A Metal-On-Metal Hip Implant

A subsidiary company of the pharmaceutical company Johnson & Johnson, DePuy Orthopaedics Inc., issued a recall for their ASR hip implants which was designed in a metal-on-metal fashion. Surgeons were first keen to use the new design, but after increasing reports about some premature complications seen in implanted hip devices, they had second thoughts of using it. It was thought that the design itself caused a disadvantage for the new line. However, it turns out Johnson & Johnson has other problems aside from the DePuy hip replacement lawsuits and recall.

The aforementioned metal-on-metal products were DePuy Orthopedics' ASR XL Acetabular System and the ASR Hip Resurfacing System which was used all over the globe with an estimated number of 93, 000. Due to the increasing rate of premature hip prostheses failing, the said devices were not a favorite choice for most surgeons and patients. There were people who believe that the devices mentioned could be defective and dangerous based from reports and some from experience.

Premature loosening of the hip implant, dislocation of the device and possible fracture of the bone surrounding the hip implant are some of the complications allegedly caused by the hip replacement devices. In case the complications became grave, most often than not a revision surgery is advised. A revision surgery could mean added expenses on the surgical management as well as added pain, inconvenience brought by the time needed to fully recover from the surgery such as days of leave from the office as well as absences from school, and discomforts from the changes in ones lifestyle.

Another known complication of metal-designed [] hip replacement implant is the condition known as metallosis. This condition can occur if there is an abnormally high level of toxic heavy metal in a person's bloodstream. To evaluate this, a blood test can be done. The two most commonly detected heavy metals in the cases related hip device is cobalt and chromium. When the hip prostheses started to fail, particles of heavy metals can be transferred to the patients tissues and bloodstream.

Asceptic Lymphocyte-dominated Vasculitis Associated Lesion (ALVAL) is an adverse reaction to metallosis. Vasculitis is an inflammation of the veins and the condition could potentially lead to serious body anomalies since the lymphocytes are involved. The abnormal increase of heavy metal levels surround the artificial hip device can cause the creation of "pseudotumors". Consulting an adept doctor regularly is crucial for those who had a hip arthroplasty using any of the metal-designed hip replacement devices.

If you had a hip arthroplasty and used any of the two aforementioned hip products from DePuy Orthopaedics, one can have a full laboratory exam to check for any complications from the DePuy hip prostheses thanks to the issuance of a DePuy hip recall. For more information about the recall and related information, you can visit other sites relate to this.
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