Business & Finance Social Media

6 Step Twitter Traffic System

There is no doubt that Twitter is one of the hottest items on the internet right now.
For Internet Marketers, it is also a great opportunity to expand your business.
However, if you're new to Twitter you might be wondering where to start.
That's why I've put together a simple 6 step approach you can take to start getting some great results on Twitter.
Let's get started! 1.
Follow People In Your Niche If you know anything about marketing on Twitter you have most likely heard that it's ultra-important to have a ton of followers.
That's true, but I have a slight twist on that.
If at all possible, you should make an effort to get targeted followers instead of just getting a ton of followers.
The best way to start doing that is to start following people in your niche.
Many of the people you choose to follow will follow you back.
Provide Quality Content To Your Followers Now that you have your followers you might be thinking that it would be a great idea to start churning out posts with links to your promotions.
Don't! Let me put it this way.
If you go into a bar and start kissing the first girl you find attractive without talking to her first what do you think is going to happen? That's right she's probably going to slap you in the face.
So you have to show your followers that you deserve their intention.
You do this by posting links to content that is relevant to them.
Make sure it's quality content.
The girl in the bar is unlikely to kiss you if you throw cheesy lines at her.
It's the same with your Twitter followers.
Search For Questions People Have About Your Niche So you've built a relationship with your followers and feel that they trust you by now.
So now is the right time to send those promotional tweets right? Wrong! At this point, you should start making some searches on Twitter where people are asking questions that are relevant to your niche.
Create Content Answering The Questions You Found Now that you have a bunch of questions you need to provide some high quality answers.
So to this you need to create a blog post, an article  or a video that answers the question.
Make sure that it's a useful answer that people will get a lot of value from.
In addition, make sure that you plug your product at the end of whatever type of content it is you provide.
Answer The Questions People Have About Your Niche Finally, and you may have guessed this.
It is time to send a reply to the user who asked the question.
Make sure it's a reply and not a direct message.
A reply will show up on all your followers' timelines as well as the timeline of the user who asked the question.
That should ensure that it won't only be the user who asked the question who clicks on the link in your answer.
Rinse And Repeat The final step is to start over and do it all again, at least from step 3.
You should, however, continue to gather targeted followers.
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