Society & Culture & Entertainment Writing

The Ultimate Dilemma: Steady Job or Freelance Work?

It seems like nobody really plans to one day work as a freelance (journalist, writer, designer or anything else).
Since the early age we hear from the older ones that to have nice and comfortable life we need to find a full time job, possibly at the same company for the whole life.
And it seems that is what we all strive for.
Than you flash forward to today and you realize that since there are less and less job openings an more and more job lay offs, you can easily end up as a freelance collaborator for some company or in my case a contributor to a magazine.
Then when you have already embraced the freelance lifestyle, a doubt comes to your mind.
"Should I start looking for a new full time job or should I continue working from home?" So while thinking about these two opportunities, the good and bed sides of each job type surface.
In theory, steady job means regular lifestyle; waking up at the same time every morning; starting with a breakfast; going to job; socializing with coworkers; maybe growing inside the company and most of all a regular every month salary, therefore some financial stability.
In reality, in most cases you end up waking up too late each morning; rushing out of home; taking bus and while suffocating surrounded by a bunch of weird smelling people, you slowly start fainting because you didn't have time for a breakfast.
And the only meal you will have before coming home will be chocolates from the wending machine and some horrible sandwiches you bought at a local bar or brought from home.
Oh and you can't stand your colleagues and only way you can get promoted is to become very "friendly" with your superior...
So when you lose your job for whatever reason, and you start recovering your mental health after many nervous break downs provoked by the previous unhealthy working environment, working from home doesn't seem that bad at all.
In theory, you should have more free time; freedom to manage working hours; less stress; and limitless number of collaborations.
In reality, each day you get up at 12 p.
because you have no reason to wake up early and you work till late in the night; you never know when and if you will get paid for your work; you don't have any contract so you never know when will the collaboration end; you mostly work from home but in fact every week you have to go to the office because they always have something they want to tell you and phone call is not an option...
Maybe there isn't the right or wrong choice.
We always want what we don't have.
Once you get your own computer and desk at the company, two hours later you will be telling yourself: "Why am I here, I could easily be doing this from my home?"
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