- In 2010, the CRV for a container over 24 ounces is 10 cents. Containers which hold less than 24 ounces receive a 5 cent CRV, according to the CalRecycle website. You pay the CRV when you purchase a beverage and then have it refunded when you recycle it at a center.
- The CRV started in 1987. In 1986 the California legislature passed the California Beverage Container Recycling and Litter Reduction Act which prompted the refund value, explains EWC Electronic Recyclers.
- Beverage containers included in the CRV program include carbonated and un-carbonated waters, soft drinks, fruit drinks, coffee, tea, beer and malt drinks, states EWC Electronic Recyclers. It doesn't, however, include baby formula, milk or wine.
- From 1987 to 2010, the CRV program recycled over 230 billion glass, aluminum and plastic containers, according to CalRecycle.
- In 2009, stores sold 21 billion recyclable containers to Californians. Only 3.8 billion of those containers ended up in landfills, explains CalRecycle. The rest went through the CRV program and were recycled.
Interesting Fact