- A budget is a financial plan utilized for spending and saving anticipated revenue. It is created to follow all of your money dealings. Budgets can be used to plan for paying off debts, save for a future occasion (like a vacation, college fund or retirement), or meet savings goals. Budgets supply you with a complete picture of your financial situation. They only work if you follow them and use accurate details when you formulate them. Minor adjustments are a frequent occurrence when dealing with budgets. It's easy to construct a budget, however, it takes discipline to implement one. Simple budgets can be written on a single piece of paper. You can also make use of any one of a vast number of budgeting programs available.
- A worksheet is a vital part of the construction of a budget. It is used to state all of your income and expenses. You use it to track each financial transaction you make. This can be daily to begin, if you are not sure exactly where all your money is going. A good rule of thumb is to track your expenses and savings for a month or more. A budget worksheet comes in various forms, but the basic information is the same. It is divided into Income and Expenses. Each of these will be further divided into other categories like wages, interest, investments or other under the income section. The expenses are normally broken even further to include separate categories under "Home" that shows rent or mortgage, insurance, taxes, improvements and alike. There could be sections for "Utilities" (gas, electric, water, telephone), "Food" (groceries, lunches, snacks), "Health & Medical" (insurance, gym, co-pays), "Transportation" (loan payment, gas, repair, insurance, other) and Entertainment, Pets, Clothing, Savings, Investments and Miscellaneous. The more detailed a worksheet is, the more useful it will be when its used to create a budget.
- In order to get an accurate idea of your income and expenses, you must use authentic figures whenever possible. Some worksheets have a space for "budgeted amounts" and "actual amounts" and then "difference." These are good to use if you are not quite sure how much you spend. The best way to construct a workable budget is to insert actual sums in the worksheet. The worksheet lists your income and subtracts your expenses from it. If there is a surplus, you can use it for a future event or save it. When there is a negative amount, you need to reduce your expenses or increase your income.
Understand Budgets
Select a Budget Worksheet
Fill in Details and Evaluate Budget