Health & Medical Hearing

Earache Relief - 3 Things You Can Do to Soothe the Pain

Desperate for earache relief? Before you start looking for ways to treat the pain, you need to understand what causes it.
Most earaches occur along with a sore throat.
However, it's also possible for you to get earaches even if you do not have a sore throat.
When this happens, go see a doctor, preferably an eye, ear, nose, and throat specialist.
The ear is quite delicate - you don't want to fiddle with it, only to end up hurting yourself even worse.
Now, for run-of-the-mill aches, there are things you can do to for earache relief.
You've probably heard this before: putting a heating pad or a warm cloth under your ear while you lie on that side can relieve the pain.
You may also use warm mineral oil.
Just be careful not to go overboard with heating the oil or you could burn your eardrums.
Keep in mind that the oil should be comfortably warm rather than hot.
Put a couple of drops of mineral oil onto your aching ear.
The pain will stop almost immediately.
Hydrogen Peroxide.
Normally, hydrogen peroxide is used for controlling wax buildup but it can also provide earache relief.
Here's how you do it.
Use a baby bulb syringe to put between 5 to 10 drops in your aching ear.
Lie on your side for 10 minutes to make sure the peroxide pools in the affected ear.
Wait 10 minutes and then tilt the affected ear over the sink, to drain the peroxide.
Gently and carefully flush the affected ear out, using water.
The good thing about using hydrogen peroxide is that it's also a potent germicide.
So, if you caught the bug early, the peroxide kills it.
I learned this from a doctor who preferred natural therapies whenever possible.
Whether it's bacteria or wax that is causing pain, peroxide can help.
Over-the-Counter Drops.
These drops are safe and inexpensive, and in some cases, they help.
Give them a shot.
They're better than turning to antibiotics for each little jolt of ear pain that you feel.
These are only three of the things you can do for earache relief.
Try them! Your ears will thank you for it!
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