Imagine you own a general contracting business specializing in vertical construction.
You have a dozen different projects going in locations that are quite a few miles apart from each other.
As a result you're often out of the office often, shuttling from one job to the next, maybe by car, maybe you have to fly for remote locations.
So how does a busy contractor like you manage to keep on top of his staffing needs? Simple.
You use the phone.
An exciting new development which has everyone abuzz who's involved in recruiting talent is mobile recruitment.
Using their phones, recruiters can now manage requisitions, keep track of resumes and applicants, study candidate profiles, go over resumes, and submit job offers using their phones! With the new mobile platforms available in the market, contractors will be able to access their ATS Applicant Tracking system anytime from anywhere.
For some time, the market, especially those on the road most of the time, have been wishing for a mobile capability for their recruitment activities.
Its one thing to have the best Applicant Tracking software money could buy; it's another thing accessing it except from one's office.
But what if one is not in his office at the moment? What if you're on a plane, in a limo, or at the golf course? More and more, business owners are feeling the need for shorter and shorter placement times.
Any ATS Applicant Tracking system, therefore, that enables a recruiter to handle any stage of the recruitment process at the instant the need for it comes up, and regardless of wherever the recruiter happens to be at the moment, will have the be considered the best Applicant Tracking system.
The ability to have applicants apply 24/7 and 365 days a year from anywhere, and to see these applications wherever you happen to be cuts down on placement time.
Many of these applications have the pages scaled to the optimal viewing size, reducing scrolling time.
They also allow searching so that all one needs is to type certain keywords to get to their desired profile.
All these make for easy navigation.
It is features like the ones above that make these mobile ATS applicant tracking systems very functional.
Aside from the ability to go over the applicants, many of these applications could actually promote the jobs one needs people for through social networking.
Imagine how that would expand your net.
This becomes even more impressive with the new features the newer models of mobile platforms now come in: text message alerts, mobile-optimized Web sites, mobile job centers, and mobile optimized career newsletters.
At the rate the mobile phone is going, it would be a good bet to say that most of our access to the Internet will soon be through mobile phones.
Already, we have SMS, mobile marketing, mobile advertising, mobile search, mobile video, touch screen, location-based service, barcode technology, and augmented reality.
Would it be any surprise were mobile recruitment to be the rule soon?
You have a dozen different projects going in locations that are quite a few miles apart from each other.
As a result you're often out of the office often, shuttling from one job to the next, maybe by car, maybe you have to fly for remote locations.
So how does a busy contractor like you manage to keep on top of his staffing needs? Simple.
You use the phone.
An exciting new development which has everyone abuzz who's involved in recruiting talent is mobile recruitment.
Using their phones, recruiters can now manage requisitions, keep track of resumes and applicants, study candidate profiles, go over resumes, and submit job offers using their phones! With the new mobile platforms available in the market, contractors will be able to access their ATS Applicant Tracking system anytime from anywhere.
For some time, the market, especially those on the road most of the time, have been wishing for a mobile capability for their recruitment activities.
Its one thing to have the best Applicant Tracking software money could buy; it's another thing accessing it except from one's office.
But what if one is not in his office at the moment? What if you're on a plane, in a limo, or at the golf course? More and more, business owners are feeling the need for shorter and shorter placement times.
Any ATS Applicant Tracking system, therefore, that enables a recruiter to handle any stage of the recruitment process at the instant the need for it comes up, and regardless of wherever the recruiter happens to be at the moment, will have the be considered the best Applicant Tracking system.
The ability to have applicants apply 24/7 and 365 days a year from anywhere, and to see these applications wherever you happen to be cuts down on placement time.
Many of these applications have the pages scaled to the optimal viewing size, reducing scrolling time.
They also allow searching so that all one needs is to type certain keywords to get to their desired profile.
All these make for easy navigation.
It is features like the ones above that make these mobile ATS applicant tracking systems very functional.
Aside from the ability to go over the applicants, many of these applications could actually promote the jobs one needs people for through social networking.
Imagine how that would expand your net.
This becomes even more impressive with the new features the newer models of mobile platforms now come in: text message alerts, mobile-optimized Web sites, mobile job centers, and mobile optimized career newsletters.
At the rate the mobile phone is going, it would be a good bet to say that most of our access to the Internet will soon be through mobile phones.
Already, we have SMS, mobile marketing, mobile advertising, mobile search, mobile video, touch screen, location-based service, barcode technology, and augmented reality.
Would it be any surprise were mobile recruitment to be the rule soon?