- 1). Insert the screwdriver end of the Tech Deck tool into one of the screws on the top face of the board. Rotate the tool counterclockwise to remove the screw. Repeat with the remaining seven screws. Remove the trucks from the bottom of the deck.
- 2). Turn the Tech Deck so it is face-down on a flat surface.
- 3). Cut images out of magazines or photographs, or print images you find online.
- 4). Arrange the images on the bottom face of the deck. Trim any pictures so they fit onto the 1-by-4-inch area of the deck.
- 5). Peel off the back of a 1-by-4-inch rectangle of contact paper. Lay the contact paper over the pictures and the deck. Smooth the paper from the middle to the edges.
- 6). Cut around the contact paper with a utility knife to remove excess material. Poke holes through the screw holes in the deck with a pin.
- 7). Reattach the trucks and screw them back into place using the eight screws and Tech Deck tool.
- 1). Turn the Tech Deck face-down on a flat surface. You can keep the trucks and wheels attached to the deck.
- 2). Trace a design along the bottom of the deck using a paint marker. Allow the outline to dry.
- 3). Fill in the design with additional paint markers, 1 inch at a time. Allow each section to dry before moving on to the next.
- 4). Color in the trucks of the deck using the paint markers. Add stripes to the wheels and allow them to dry.
- 1). Place the Tech Deck face down on a 1-by-4-inch rectangle of grip tape. Trace around the deck. Cut out the shape from the grip tape.
- 2). Draw shapes on the backing of the grip tape. For example, add squares and circles along the tape.
- 3). Cut out the shapes with a utility knife.
- 4). Peel the backing off the shapes you cut out of the grip tape.
- 5). Apply the grip tape shapes on the top face of your Tech Deck. Arrange them in patterns or use the shapes as traction on the nose and tail of the deck.
Paint Job
Custom Grip Tape