Pets & Animal Pets & Animal

Koi Filter - Healthy Water equals Healthy Koi

There is a saying amongst koi enthusiasts that you are first a water keeper and then a koi keeper. Simply put, most koi ailments come from poor water quality and if you look after the water quality the koi will tend to look after themselves. One of the greatest challenges is to ensure that you have adequate filtration in the pond. Koi are quite fragile fish as a result of the inbreeding that has resulted in the stunning selection of colours and they need good quality water to ensure good health.

There are two main types of filtration going on in a koi pond. The mechanical filtration system that deals with the solid waste produced by the fish and by things being washed into the pond and then the biological filtration which neutralises the chemicals that can build up and harm the fish. Bearing in mind that fish effectively live in their own toilet, you can quickly see that their health will suffer if the filter system is ineffective.

Koi have voracious appetites and as the temperature increases they will need feeding up to eight times a day. This results in a large amount of not only solid waste but also ammonia excreted by them and created by the action of their gills. This combined with plant debris makes up most of the pollutants that the filter system needs to deal with.

Whatever you do, if cost is an issue when designing your pond, do not try to save on the filter system. It is important to have the best filter system available for the budget that you have as this will have the greatest affect on the health of your fish.

There are three main areas which need to be focused on and I would always seek professional advice when planning your pond filter system.

It is important that the pump is of the right capacity. It should have the capacity to comfortably pump half the volume of your pond every hour without straining. It is also important that it doesn't pump so quickly that it overwhelms the biological filter system and stops it from working effectively. There will need to be some calculations in terms pump capacity in gallons per hour and pond size and.

The mechanical filtration system again needs to be big enough to allow debris to settle out. You get a filter system where the chamber is too small the water will pass through too quickly and debris will not settle out. This can have a devastating effect on the biological filter which is the next step in the filtering process. Too much solid material in the biological filter will clog it up and start developing harmful bacteria which will neutralise the effects of the biological filter.

A good biological filter system following on from an effective mechanical filter system and powered by the right capacity pump will keep your pond water clean. With larger ponds you may need up to four chambers within the system for it to work effectively. A Biological filter needs to be filled with a medium that allows plenty of surface area for the friendly bacteria to grow on. Don't be alarmed if at the start of the season as the water temperature starts to climb your filter system gets overwhelmed by an algae bloom. This is quite common and fairly normal as the biological filter system takes afew weeks to start up after winter. Unfortunately your fish don't know this and continue to produce waste. You may need to seed your biological filter with bacteria to help get it going at the start of the season.

Above all, always get some advice from the professionals about your pond. No two ponds are alike and it is essential to get a filtration system that is tailored to your requirements.
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