If you want a natural acne facial treatment that clears acne fast then read every word on this page because what you're about to learn is a simple remedy you can quickly and easily make from home that works wonder to clear acne.
Here's what you need: Rosewood Oil: This oil contains drying properties that can dry up your pimples fast.
And if you have oily skin and your acne condition is getting worse due to your oily skin then this acne facial treatment is definitely for you because this oil helps reduce sebum production when you apply it topically.
And by reducing sebum production, you'll minimize breakout and also prevent affected acne areas from spreading or from getting worse.
Mineral Oil: This oil will be used to dilute rosewood oil because rosewood oil by itself may be too strong for your skin and can cause irritation.
But by mixing these two oil together, it'll make it an excellent acne facial treatment.
Where to get these two oils? These two oils can be found in your local stores but if you can't find them then just do a simple search for it online.
And make sure the two oils you get are 100% pure and contains no other ingredients in it or else it will reduce its effectiveness.
Here are the step by step instructions on how to apply this treatment: For the oils to be effective and absorbable, they must be applied on clean dry skin.
So make sure you gently wash your skin with a cleanser, pat it dry with a towel, and wait five minutes for your skin to completely dry up first.
Then you simply mix a teaspoon of rosewood oil and a teaspoon of mineral oil together in a small bowl and apply it on affected areas.
Due to its powerful drying properties, I only recommend you apply it on affected areas only.
How often should you apply it? I recommend you start off with one treatment a day and gradually increase it to three times a day once your skin get used to the oil.
Here's what you need: Rosewood Oil: This oil contains drying properties that can dry up your pimples fast.
And if you have oily skin and your acne condition is getting worse due to your oily skin then this acne facial treatment is definitely for you because this oil helps reduce sebum production when you apply it topically.
And by reducing sebum production, you'll minimize breakout and also prevent affected acne areas from spreading or from getting worse.
Mineral Oil: This oil will be used to dilute rosewood oil because rosewood oil by itself may be too strong for your skin and can cause irritation.
But by mixing these two oil together, it'll make it an excellent acne facial treatment.
Where to get these two oils? These two oils can be found in your local stores but if you can't find them then just do a simple search for it online.
And make sure the two oils you get are 100% pure and contains no other ingredients in it or else it will reduce its effectiveness.
Here are the step by step instructions on how to apply this treatment: For the oils to be effective and absorbable, they must be applied on clean dry skin.
So make sure you gently wash your skin with a cleanser, pat it dry with a towel, and wait five minutes for your skin to completely dry up first.
Then you simply mix a teaspoon of rosewood oil and a teaspoon of mineral oil together in a small bowl and apply it on affected areas.
Due to its powerful drying properties, I only recommend you apply it on affected areas only.
How often should you apply it? I recommend you start off with one treatment a day and gradually increase it to three times a day once your skin get used to the oil.