- 1). Connect the Palm Pre to your computer using the appropriate USB cable.
- 2). Click "Start," type "MediaMonkey" in the search box at the bottom of the menu, then press "Enter."
- 3). Click the drop-down arrow beside the portable music device icon in the MediaMonkey toolbar (represented by a black MP3 player) and select "Options."
- 4). Select the music you want to include in MediaMonkey sync operations. Click the check box beside "All Music" to sync your entire collection to the Palm Pre or you can select specific artists or albums. Alternatively, select the "Playlists" tab to associate your Palm Pre with a playlist. Select the "Audiobooks" and "Podcasts" tabs to enable sync support for those media.
- 5). Select the "Device Configuration" tab and click the check boxes beside "Force iTunes-style folders" and "Use only the first Genre when multiple Genres exist."
- 6). Click the radio button beside "Update database based on all Track changes," then click "OK."
- 7). Click the portable music device icon to perform to sync your music to the Palm Pre.