Family & Relationships Family & Relationships

Marriage Cheating Signs - Learn What to Look Out For in a Cheating Spouse Before It"s Too Late

Worried that your spouse is cheating on you? You may have good cause to worry.
According to latest statistics, more than 50 percent of married people admit to cheating on their spouse.
Over 80 percent say that they have contemplated an affair.
Marriage cheating signs are pretty obvious as, in most cases, the person who is cheating wants to get caught to assuage their guilt.
Marriage cheating signs include the following: 1.
Sudden interest in their appearance.
Lose weight - get a new mate is the old saying.
If your spouse suddenly starts taking an interest in his or her appearance after a period where they just didn't seem to care, then these are possibly marriage cheating signs.
Secret phone calls.
If your spouse has to leave the room all of the time to make phone calls or hangs up the phone quickly when you enter a room, something is going on.
Either they are planning a big surprise party for you or they are talking to someone who they do not want you to know.
Chances are it's the latter.
Be especially suspicious if they get a new cell phone plan.
Missing money.
If your spouse suddenly starts spending more money than usual or cannot account for missing money, chances are that they are entertaining a new friend.
Although you may not be able to keep track of your spouse, you can keep track of their finances and should do so if they are displaying signs of cheating.
Loss of interest in sex - over interest in sex.
They may lose interest in having sexual relations with you entirely.
Or, they may be extra amorous.
In the latter, they are often guilty and overcompensate with an added interest in sex.
Or they may have had their libido increased by this other person and are imagining you to be them.
The over interest in sex usually comes at the beginning or right before the affair.
The loss of interest in sex comes after the affair is in full bloom.
Both can be marriage cheating signs, but also just raging hormones.
Strange disappearances.
If your spouse is gone all of the time "on business," or suddenly has to start working late each night but you cannot reach them because the office turns off the phones at 5 p.
, there might be something in the air.
Someone who normally is home every night who suddenly starts making up excuses to go out all of the time is usually stepping out with someone else.
If your partner displays some of these marriage cheating signs, it does not necessarily mean that they are cheating on you.
But you should be aware of the possibility.
You can usually feel if there is something wrong with your marriage as your spouse is also liable to be non communicative.
Before taking action, you should try to communicate with your spouse and confront them with the signs of cheating.
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