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Dreamtime stories tell about creation.public art 2. image by mdb from Fotolia.com
Watch and listen to original Dreamtime stories. The Australian Museum provides access to links for listening to aboriginal Dreamtime stories from all of Australia's regions. As you listen, decide what aspect of creation you want to write your own Dreamtime story about. - 2
Choose an element of creation for a Dreamtime story.moon image by Sebastian Glapinski from Fotolia.com
Write a Dreamtime story about the creation element you chose. If, for example, you decide to write about the moon, create a name for the character of moon. Draw a picture of the moon character. As you write, read your story aloud so you know what it sounds like. Listen for descriptive details. - 3
You may write about how the moon controls the ocean tides.ocean image by Deborah Durbin from Fotolia.com
Give the main character an adventure whereby the character plays a role in the creation of the world. For example, if you write about the moon, tell a story about how the moon came to rule the ocean tides. Give the ocean a name and actions to move the story forward to a conclusion about the moon and the ocean tides. - 4). Draw images to give your characters and their story added dimension. When you finish your story, read it aloud to others. Show your pictures when you tell your story.