- There are several scholarship offers for art students at Idaho State University. The John B. Davis scholarship, offered to students who choose an art major or minor, is offered in memorial to John B. Davis, who served as the chairman of the University's art department for 15 years and founded the modern academic art program.
Other scholarship programs, such as the Robie Robison visual arts scholarship for visual arts majors and the Marky Hinson art scholarship for women enrolled in studio courses, were provided by friends and family as memorials of the deceased's dedication and generosity. - The College of Southern Idaho offers several thousand dollars each year to pay a portion of undergraduate school fees and tuition for the fall and spring semesters. The successful applicant must be a full-time student and be an active member of the art department.
To qualify, all admission standards must be met, in addition to the criteria set for the award. A portfolio of the student's work must be submitted along with the application by the first Friday in March in order to be considered. - The College of Idaho offers the Kathryn Albertson scholarship competition in November of each year. It is open to all students, including those majoring in art. The competition typically results in about 30 scholarships each year for $10,000 each.
- The University of Idaho offers several scholarships for current and prospective art students. The Mary Kirkwood scholarship is available for college juniors, seniors and graduate students who submit an approved portfolio to the art department. Financial need is not a consideration for this award.
The Liberace Foundation provides scholarships to full-time art students, regardless of financial need. It is available to freshmen, sophomores, juniors and seniors, as well as graduate students.
Idaho State University
College of Southern Idaho
The College of Idaho
University of Idaho