Business & Finance Social Media

Applying to Several Colleges - Watch What You Say About It On Social Media

The other day, I was talking to a mom who is working very hard to help her daughter get into an Ivy League school.
Her daughter has studied extremely hard, has unbelievable grade-point average, and is academically superior to all of her classmates in every regard.
So far, she has received one rejection letter, but she is applying to a couple of other schools.
The mom told me that one of her good friends who also has stellar grades was turned down at a secondary school, not an Ivy League, at what the other gal would consider her fourth or fifth choice.
Do you know why? It turns out that the other girl, the friend of the daughter trying to get into the Ivy League had posted something on her Facebook, explaining that she hope to get into; Stanford, Harvard, or Yale, but if she didn't make those, she said on her Facebook page; "I guess I'd settle for Berkeley as a last resort.
" Interestingly enough, that was a very bad move because college application committees often look on Facebook and other social media to verify facts to see if the person is real.
The gal did get a rejection letter from Berkeley, and she couldn't understand why, she is well ahead of anyone else academically, and should have beat-out it least 30,000 other applying students by her estimation.
Of course, if you are going to write on your Facebook page that you would only consider such a college as your last resort, don't be too surprised if they consider your application less than desirable.
Indeed, perhaps the take away here is; "Be careful what you write on your social networking page.
" There was an interesting piece in Science Daily on July 27, 2012 titled; "Applying to College? Think Before You Tweet," which discussed the reality that college admissions officers more and more are using Google, Facebook, Twitter, and other sources to verify applications.
After reading that article and another similar interesting article the Wall Street Journal not long ago, I am now beginning to think that the story that I heard above would completely explain why the girl got a rejection letter from Berkeley.
Further, she may very well get into an Ivy League school, but it must've been a psychological defeat to have her fourth or fifth choice "fallback school" reject her, as she fully expected to reject them if any of the other schools accepted her.
Okay so, let this be a lesson to you, please consider all this and think on it.
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