Home & Garden Trees & Houseplants

Uses for Vermiculite

    • Vermiculite is a naturally occurring, shiny, flaked mineral that closely resembles mica. Vermiculite flakes expand 8 to 30 times their original size when exposed to high temperatures. The resulting material is fire-resistant, light in weight, and odorless. Vermiculite comes in a variety of sizes from fine particles to large pieces, and is used as an insulator and a soil conditioner, among other uses.

    Plant Growth Medium

    • Vermiculite is very effective as a growing medium and is frequently used in compost formulas in combination with peat. These compost formulas are considered ideal for plant growth since vermiculite helps with aeration and moisture retention. Vermiculite also helps to promote a steady release of the fertilizers that are added to the medium and is itself a source of magnesium, potassium, and other minor elements necessary for optimal plant growth. Composts that use vermiculite stimulate root growth. When vermiculite is processed it is sterile and needs no additional treatment before being added to the compost. Vermiculate also has uses as an extender and carrier of pesticides and herbicides. The ground form of vermiculite is used to encapsulate seeds.

    Packing Material

    • Vermiculite in its exfoliated form is an effective packaging material. Its light weight and ease of handling make it especially useful for packing irregularly shaped items. The material is clean and offers superior protection against potential damage from impact and poor handling. Vermiculite is also highly absorbent and successfully absorbs leaks from dangerous packed material like hazardous chemicals. Being inorganic it does not pose any fire hazards. Exfoliated vermiculite is also frequently used as a storage medium for tubers, bulbs and fruits. Its soft and non-abrasive properties have also made it a favorite medium for insulating and cushioning the base of plastic-lined swimming pools.

    Animal Feed

    • The absorbent, soft, sterile and free-flowing properties of vermiculite make it an optimal medium for supporting and carrying nutrients like molasses, vitamins, and fat concentrates. When used in animal feeds vermiculite provides greater yields in volume and accommodates greater liquid uptake. The use of vermiculite in animal feeds also provides better handling characteristics to the feed material.

    Fire Resistance

    • The qualities of vermiculite make it especially suitable for protection against fires. Products containing vermiculite that are used for fire resistance include boards and panels used in construction and the pre-mixed coatings that are applied with the use of mechanical sprays or hand plastering.

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