- Even though the SSA uses a disability determination service in your state of residence to make the disability determination, the results then return to the agency. Once your application goes back to the SSA, a social security representative generates a letter advising you of the decision on your application. After you receive approval to receive social security disability benefits, you can move anywhere and still receive benefits based on the initial determination.
- When you move, advise the agency of your new address and telephone number as soon as you have them. You must also advise the SSA about any family members who receive benefits and plan to move with you, which applies even if your checks are direct deposited. In the event that Social Security must correspond with you via the U.S. mail, your correct address is a necessity. Advise the SSA if you work while receiving disability benefits. No matter how much you earn, the SSA requires that you advise it if you find employment or begin working for yourself. Penalties are imposed on those who provide false information to the agency.
- If the SSA finds out that you knowingly gave them false information, your benefits will stop immediately. A first violation results in a six-month benefit stoppage; the second time a violation occurs, your benefits will stop for 12 months; if you incur a third violation, benefits cease for 24 months. Additionally, if you get an overpayment as the result of not reporting a change, you must pay the overage back to the agency.
- As long as you remain disabled, your disability benefit amount will not change. Social security may contact you from time to time to update files and determine your current status with regard to your medical condition. As long as your condition has not improved, you will continue to receive disability benefits. If you are still receiving disability benefits when you reach full retirement age, your disability benefits convert to retirement benefits.
Moving out of State
Update Your Records
Continuing Benefits