- 1). Cut the ends off each cuttle bone using the paring knife. The two pieces should be the same size as they will form the halves of the casting mold.
- 2). Rub the smooth inner surface of each cuttle bone against a sheet of sandpaper until smooth. The outer side of the cuttlebone is rough with a scaly texture.
- 3). Press the object to be cast into the middle of one side of the cuttlebone. Press the other half of the cuttlebone on top of the object to form a three-dimensional mold.
- 4). Open the cuttlebone halves and remove the object. Clean up and refine the design using dental tools, a pick, pencil or other carving tool.
- 5). Carve a V-shaped three-dimensional funnel about a half-inch from the top edge of the carving in each half of the cuttlebone.
- 6). Carve a vertical line down from the funnel so that it touches the top of the carving. You will pour the metal into the funnel and it will flow downward into the pattern. Smooth and shape the funnel using the teaspoon so that it's symmetrical and large enough that the molten silver can be poured into it.
- 7). Create vents or sprues. Carve a few horizontal lines radiating from the outer edges of the carving to the outer edge of the cuttlebone. These serve as vents so that the heat from the molten metal can escape.
- 8). Cut four quarter-inch lengths of wire from the coat hanger using the wire cutters. These will be pegs that will hold the two sides of the cuttlebone together when you are casting the carving.
- 9). Place two pegs into one side of the cuttlebone. Place the other half on top, pressing the two halves together, driving the pegs into the other half of the cuttle bone. Take care to ensure the halves line up perfectly so your carving isn't mismatched.
- 10
Wrap the cuttlebone mold with binding wire to secure. Prop the cuttlebone with the funnel facing upward, between the firebricks so that it's secure. - 1). Put the silver casting grains into a crucible -- a heatproof vessel used for melting metal.
- 2). Light the torch using the flint striker. Hold the hot blue flame over the casting grains until the grains liquefy, about 5 minutes.
- 3). Hold the torch over the lip of the crucible until it turns red hot. Pour the molten metal into the funnel of the cuttlebone in one fluid motion until the metal reaches the top of the cuttlebone. Turn off the torch.
- 4). Pick up the cuttlebone using the fireproof tweezers and drop the entire mold into the Pyrex measuring cup of water. Wait 5 to 10 minutes.
- 5). Remove the cuttlebone from the water. Remove the binding wire and open the mold to reveal the cast object.
Prepare the Mold
Cast the Jewelry