Strong Willed Or Short Lived, You Decide On Social Media Marketing It's 11.
27 am.
A message comes in to my BlackBerry from someone posting something on my Facebook wall.
I'm assuming he think he's using social media marketing correctly.
As I look at my phone, it automatically opens to the most recent message and to my horror..
"Nice to meet you! Hey, would you like to become the next President? Just invest into my business opportunity and you could win one GAZILLION bucks!" WTF!!! Has social media marketing hit a brick wall at 100mph? It sure seems as if! With all the social media marketing training online and off, with bloggers like myself and sooooo many others posting content on what NOT to do on social media, is it THAT HARD to follow some simple directions? Ahhh! (Pardon my rant, but it's gotta be done, AGAIN!) So what is it that we constantly recommend to do as far as social media marketing goes and why are we so teeed off at still seeing the same SPAM going on online? Breaking Social Media Marketing Down For The Dummies Take this with a grain of salt if you would, but not following these SIMPLE, yet powerful laws of social media marketing etiquette, you might as well just go back to your full-time J.
and forget about building 7-figure relationships using social media.
Think it can't be done? Just look at the example of Ferny Ceballos and Raymond Fong of SEO Networker.
They found their 7-figure relationship on social media with the introduction to Mike Dillard, and look at where they stand today in this industry.
With That Said!;-) Let's do this FOLKS.
Let's break it down ONCE AGAIN on how to use social media marketing correctly.
Social Media Marketing Guideline:
If you're reading this on my blog, click on the images you see of Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, And LinkedIn.
Add me on there if you haven't done so already, I like sharing a TON of really cool information you'd absolutely find helpful.
If you're not on my blog, be sure to visit the link in my author's bio.
Take care and remember to just be yourself when using social media marketing and you'll do just fine, regardless of what anyone trying to sell you a product has to say about it.
Pablo Gonzalez
27 am.
A message comes in to my BlackBerry from someone posting something on my Facebook wall.
I'm assuming he think he's using social media marketing correctly.
As I look at my phone, it automatically opens to the most recent message and to my horror..
"Nice to meet you! Hey, would you like to become the next President? Just invest into my business opportunity and you could win one GAZILLION bucks!" WTF!!! Has social media marketing hit a brick wall at 100mph? It sure seems as if! With all the social media marketing training online and off, with bloggers like myself and sooooo many others posting content on what NOT to do on social media, is it THAT HARD to follow some simple directions? Ahhh! (Pardon my rant, but it's gotta be done, AGAIN!) So what is it that we constantly recommend to do as far as social media marketing goes and why are we so teeed off at still seeing the same SPAM going on online? Breaking Social Media Marketing Down For The Dummies Take this with a grain of salt if you would, but not following these SIMPLE, yet powerful laws of social media marketing etiquette, you might as well just go back to your full-time J.
and forget about building 7-figure relationships using social media.
Think it can't be done? Just look at the example of Ferny Ceballos and Raymond Fong of SEO Networker.
They found their 7-figure relationship on social media with the introduction to Mike Dillard, and look at where they stand today in this industry.
With That Said!;-) Let's do this FOLKS.
Let's break it down ONCE AGAIN on how to use social media marketing correctly.
Social Media Marketing Guideline:
- Don't EVER, EVER post crap business opportunity offers on someone else's wall on Facebook - This will not only get you completely removed, maybe even blocked as a friend, but also labeled as a spammer.
Which will eventually lead to on thing, getting your Facebook account canceled. - Always, ALWAYS, lead with value - If you're goal on Facebook is to post content you've created, make it so that others find your content easy to read, easy to understand, and valuable in nature.
Don't just post a link to a landing page on Facebook without giving someone a VERY GOOD reason to click on your link.
All you are ding at this point is wasting your time. - Don't Be Shy And Mingle - If you're not looking at social media as a virual form of a party, then you're looking at this form of marketing completely wrong.
Specifically Facebook with all the recent buzz going around about it, is just a HUGE party that goes on 24/7.
But if you're the type of person that goes to a party just to hold up the walls in the joint, you're not going to socialize and make any friends online.
Start making conversation NOT RELATIVE to your business and see just how simple it is to build long lasting business relationships. - "Tell Me More About My Eyes!" - People LOVE to hear more about themselves than they do about you.
So be sure to appeal to everyone's likes and build conversations around specific interests people have.
You'd be amazed at how astonished someone will become if you can only remember just ONE simple thing that this person likes and bring it to their attention.
It's like giving flowers to a total stranger, you've just made their day!
If you're reading this on my blog, click on the images you see of Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, And LinkedIn.
Add me on there if you haven't done so already, I like sharing a TON of really cool information you'd absolutely find helpful.
If you're not on my blog, be sure to visit the link in my author's bio.
Take care and remember to just be yourself when using social media marketing and you'll do just fine, regardless of what anyone trying to sell you a product has to say about it.
Pablo Gonzalez