Business & Finance Wealth Building

How to Win the Lottery – The Psychology of Winning

Like a lot of things in life – it's how you play the game that really matters when it comes to winning the lottery.  Sure you have to pick some numbers and you should have a plan of how to select those all important numbers but it is also comes down to how you play to win, and how you recover from losses. 

Winning the lottery game can be as much psychological as it is on paper.

The following 5 tips can have a massive impact on your odds of winning lottery games and increasing your prize money:

1) Have a Goal and be persistent.

Don't be like the miners in "Think and Grow Rich" who gave up finding the rich vein when they were just metres away.  Have a bigger goal in mind and be persistent.  Don't give up on your lottery strategy too soon; it's probably because you haven't set your targets high enough. Don't be content to win in a year's time... tell yourself that you're going to make it in 2 months. Then plan to make your winning a reality by playing more in the games that give you the best chances of winning lottery. Normally these are the ones with the least number of balls and fewest numbers.

2) Follow a Routine.

Just like a professional golfer who employs a pre-shot routine, develop your own routine for winning. Go down to your local lotto shop at the same time each week. Follow the same route each time. Go with the same companion each time. Try to park in the same spot. Get served by the same assistant behind the counter when you have your tickets processed. Have a coffee afterwards in the same shop. These sort of rituals build on your psychology so you feel as if you're missing out when you don't do them. That will be your automatic incentive to keep going.

3) Enjoy yourself.

Yes, it's only a game. You may only play a few games before you have a lottery win, or it may take a bit longer. But whatever the number it takes, remember - it's not rocket science. Most games are won on volume and persistence.

4) Acknowledge Losses are part of the game.

Read any book on many of life's winners, and you'll discover the same thing... they all possess a gritty determination when they're up against huge odds. They don't give up easily.  Realise, just like a professional stock market trader that you don't always get it right and some trades will be loss trades…its just part of the business.  The chances of winning lottery is far greater for people who possess these abilities.

5) Visualise Your Winning Day.

The difference between losers and winners often comes down to mentally visualising the outcome that is desired and persistence. It's normal for winners to continue to play even when their last game was a no-win. Their belief system is strong, and they know that eventually it will pay off. Visualise yourself on the day that your numbers come up and how good that will feel.

One more tip... if you have had a string of bad luck in your past, don't worry. Winning the lottery game does not depend on how much bad luck you've had in your past.

As long as you keep to your plan and persisting, you will make your own luck. Winners do more, play more, work harder, think more positively. That's all you need to do too, to change your circumstances and start winning the lotto.

Learn how to win the lottery fast with a proven strategy and plan by clicking here.

Ken Silver created the best-selling Silver Lotto System in 1991, and thousands of lottery winners in over 100 countries have proved they can win in 8 out of every 10 games.
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