Business & Finance Corporations

Owner Or Operator - Should You Run Your Own Business Or Join an Existing One?

Owner or Operator? Not sure what to do? This is the second most asked question by the Virtual Assistants and other service providers I coach on a regular basis.
Should they run their own business or be part of an existing team? The answer depends on the individual.
Let's address it from the perspective of being a business owner.
If the answer to running your own business is "No" or "Not yet", then you have the answer to the second question.
Here are just a few questions I use to dig a little deeper and give some direction to the person asking the question.
  1. Are you passionate about the services you provide?
  2. Can you not wait to get up in the morning and get to work?
  3. Do you love the work?
  4. Can you love it in a year?
  5. Do you have a "circle of influence"?
  6. Are you able to get clients quickly?
  7. Do you have connections with people needing your services or do they have direct connections to others needing what you offer?
  8. Are others already asking you to provide the services you want to offer?
  9. Have you already done the work?
  10. Are you a self starter who can keep yourself motivated and getting things done?
  11. Do you want to be your own boss?
  12. How are you going to learn and grow as a business owner?
  13. Who is your support system?
  14. How much time/money do you have to invest in your business?
All of these questions are just a beginning gauge of you are at right now.
It helps me find out if you are really ready to run your own business.
Running your own deal is hard work.
Sometimes it isn't fun.
I am not saying it is always a drudgery, but it is not always 8 to 5, two weeks of vacation and nights at home with the family.
I love working for myself and wouldn't have it any other way, but many people are not wired the same way.
You will always be the hardest boss you've ever worked for.
Many of the questions address what you are doing now: * Are people asking you for the services? * Do you already know how to do the services? * Do you know how they will offer the services? Some questions help me determine if you have the "stuff" right now to be a business owner.
Passion and determination can take a person far as a business owner.
Business skills can be learned or delegated.
You don't want to have to worry about learning a whole new skill set for services AND how to run a business at the same time.
You want something that is easy to get going, has low overhead, and you can have confidence right away in your abilities to give great service.
A support system both emotionally and financially is important for a new business owner.
You have to have a plan for cash flow.
This plan could look like a spouse that works and you can live on what they bring in, a part-time or full-time position while you get the business to cash flow, or money in the bank.
The point is you can't just expect to live on air and enthusiasm.
Emotional support means you either have people around you that you can turn to when you have tough days that will be honest and encouraging or you are willing to find those people.
There are a number of associations, forums and if all else fails Facebook and twitter that will help you build your community.
I encourage all my clients to get their cheering section in order quickly.
Willingness to learn is probably the number one factor I use to advise someone in whether they fly solo or join a team.
No matter what services you "provide", those services are not your business.
You are in the business of marketing; The art of attracting, getting and keeping clients.
If that turns your blood cold, you are probably better off joining a team.
If however you are willing to roll up your sleeves, think outside the box and most importantly learn from others, you could be a business owner.
So should you do it? I don't think you have to have everything figured out to start.
Things will change a lot, especially at first as you refine your ideas and get going.
The key pieces are learning and if you think you can do it.
If it is "your only option", that is not true and maybe you should join a team and learn the ropes first.
This is not to say you will never run your own business but you can take your time and evaluate before you take the big leap that may end up costing you a lot of time and money.
There are many options for joining a team to provide the same services you wish to offer.
The best way to find out what works for you is to do your research, interview people that work on the team and see how it fits with your needs and goals.
There are many things to consider when deciding which direction to go in life.
The question of being an owner or an operator is something that is easily answered for some and not so easy for others.
From my experience owning a business is the best of both worlds, I get to be in charge of my destiny and I get to work with fabulous clients and colleagues.
For some people though, working for yourself doesn't provide the structure you need and you aren't ready to make the leap to providing your own benefits and leaving the perceived "security" of an employed position.
There is no right or wrong answer, it just a matter of what works for you.
Thank goodness we still have options in America! Be all you were meant to be whether it be an owner or an operator.
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