I am writing this article with the idea to help you if you are wondering which beat maker to choose between these two - Sonic Producer and Dub Turbo.
That was a question that was bothering me a lot of time and to ease you, I will make a little comparison between them.
I want to make a point that this is a comparison, based on my own experience and the results that I came with after using both of the beat making programs.
First, Dub Turbo is a beat maker that you can download at your own PC.
It has many features that SP doesn't.
But what is good about Sonic Producer is that it's online beat maker and you can make your own beats wherever you are.
The quality - I will compare these beat making machines on their quality - For Sonic Producer I got to say that the quality is good for an online beat making software.
However, compared to Dub Turbo, it's less good.
What you get here is an mp3 format for your beats.
With Dub Turbo, you can export your beats in .
wav format, which gives you more quality.
The files are bigger, but it's worth, you will see it if you compare a beat made by the one and a beat from the other beat maker.
The interface - both beat making programs are very user friendly and actually if you want some program that is known for its easiness, I will suggest both beat making machines.
They are made to be useful for the user and if you are a newbie, you will find them very easy to use! If I have to suggest to you only one - choose Sonic Producer, because with the opportunity to make your beats online, it's more accessible and that makes it even easier! The price - these two beat makers are on the same price - onetime fee of 29$, so whatever you decide, I think that the price wouldn't be bothering you...
My conclusion on this question: If you want better quality on the beats you make, choose Dub Turbo, if you want easier access to the program - Sonic Producer is for you! I personally use Dub Turbo at home and Sonic Producer when I am on a trip...
That was a question that was bothering me a lot of time and to ease you, I will make a little comparison between them.
I want to make a point that this is a comparison, based on my own experience and the results that I came with after using both of the beat making programs.
First, Dub Turbo is a beat maker that you can download at your own PC.
It has many features that SP doesn't.
But what is good about Sonic Producer is that it's online beat maker and you can make your own beats wherever you are.
The quality - I will compare these beat making machines on their quality - For Sonic Producer I got to say that the quality is good for an online beat making software.
However, compared to Dub Turbo, it's less good.
What you get here is an mp3 format for your beats.
With Dub Turbo, you can export your beats in .
wav format, which gives you more quality.
The files are bigger, but it's worth, you will see it if you compare a beat made by the one and a beat from the other beat maker.
The interface - both beat making programs are very user friendly and actually if you want some program that is known for its easiness, I will suggest both beat making machines.
They are made to be useful for the user and if you are a newbie, you will find them very easy to use! If I have to suggest to you only one - choose Sonic Producer, because with the opportunity to make your beats online, it's more accessible and that makes it even easier! The price - these two beat makers are on the same price - onetime fee of 29$, so whatever you decide, I think that the price wouldn't be bothering you...
My conclusion on this question: If you want better quality on the beats you make, choose Dub Turbo, if you want easier access to the program - Sonic Producer is for you! I personally use Dub Turbo at home and Sonic Producer when I am on a trip...