Health & Medical Diseases & Conditions

Healing Foot Pain: Tactics and Strategies

Got foot pain? Ouch!

Although foot pain may seem like a fairly minor ailment to an outsider, anyone suffering with this challenge will tell you otherwise. Because our feet form the very basis of our mobility, dealing with foot pain can be difficult both physically and psychologically. Foot pain affects all of your everyday activities, and makes you worry about whether you can heal it. Especially for those who are accustomed to moving freely, love walking or running and/or whose job depends upon walking or standing, foot problems can be a huge hassle. Read on for some tips from someone who's been there...

How to Deal with Foot Pain

One challenge that people dealing with pain in their feet often to face is that there are a variety of doctors who seem to have different opinions about what is causing the discomfort or pain. From a regular MD to foot specialists to chiropractors and back specialists, there seem to be different explanations for why feet become painful. Additionally, according to podiatrists feet heal more slowly than other body parts, as they do not receive the blood flow more prominent areas do. Usually, however, with the proper diagnosis and care, one can heal foot pain and move with agility again.

Some ideas for managing foot pain and healing sore feet include:

Get expert help: First and foremost and as with any physical ailment, seek a doctor's recommendations and the diagnosis of an expert (or two). You cannot effectively treat an issue if you don't know what it is. By correctly assessing the painful foot or feet in question and hopefully discovering the cause, your doctor can offer effective suggestions. Causes of foot pain can include plantar fasciitis (arch tendon damage or stress), collapsed arches, tibialis posterior tendinopathymis (having to do with ankle flexion), achilles tendon damage or stress, alignment of the skeletal structure or of one or both feet, and many other potential issues. Correction may include anything from custom orthotics to something simple; you may be wearing the wrong types of shoes!

Take a load off: Of course, rest is important, as is finding ways to improve the circulation to your feet. You may find some simple support helpful, such as tensor bandages or foot supports you can buy at the local drugstore (like Dr. Scholls), but be sure your physician approves. Ice may also help, but again ensure your doctor agrees with the suggestion.

Think positive: Our bodies have remarkable capacity to heal, and in fact strive for a healthy equilibrium. Pain in the foot, or anywhere for that matter, is a signal that something is wrong. Thank your body for sending you the important message, and care for it enough to heal yourself. Send positive, warm vibes to your feet, be grateful for them and help them heal.
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