Health & Medical Diseases & Conditions

Stop Excessive Armpit Sweating - Simple Ways To Reduce Armpit Sweating

I had given up on finding ways to stop excessive armpit sweating...
until other people started to notice it.
I was always embarrassed by my sweating problem...
but I figured there was nothing I could do so I just kinda gave up.
My self esteem was already shot...
so I figured, "Why bother...
" I found a few methods that helped me reduce my armpit sweating.
I think I've pretty much read it all...
I even remember reading how you should eat charcoal to stop your sweating...
(huh?) These are the easiest methods that you can test out when trying to stop excessive armpit sweating: Talcum Powder.
If your sweating isn't that bad a little talcum powder may be enough to help you.
It's best to apply it as soon as you get out of the shower.
But if you keep a little bottle with you...
you can reapply it throughout the day.
The ingredients in talcum powder are super absorptive...
and they are usually effective enough for people that have minor issues with armpit sweating.
Apple Cider Vinegar.
This remedy is kind gross and stinky...
but it does help condition your armpits to sweat less.
The method is pretty simple...
You just take a cloth or a cotton ball...
or anything similar and soak it in apple cider vinegar.
You then simply apply it to the area that's sweating too much...
leave it there for about 20 minutes before washing it off with warm water.
This method does require you to get rid of you armpit hair.
So if you're a guy and you have a bunch of hair down there...
be prepared to trim it! The apple cider penetrates your pores and causes them to shrink.
Having smaller pores means sweating less! The vinegar is also useful in killing bacteria that may be causing odor.
Drink Wheat Grass.
Wheat Grass powder is loaded with vitamins, minerals and antioxidants that your body needs.
It is especially high in Vitamin B...
Vitamin B has been shown to be very helpful for people that sweat excessively.
You should try to get at least two servings of Wheat Grass in a day...
so it's probably best to drink it with breakfast and with dinner.
There are tons of methods that you can try to stop excessive armpit sweating...
the natural ones are really what you should stick with.
Don't go getting botox injected into your armpits...
and try to stay away from pills.
These types of methods are dangerous...
and quite frankly they aren't worth it.
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