Home & Garden Trees & Houseplants

How to Relocate Trees & Shrubs

    • 1). Prepare the new site for the tree by digging a hole that is deep enough for the root system of the tree or shrub. Typically, it will need to be at least 3 feet across and half that deep for most varieties. Put 1 to 3 inches of organic mulch or gravel in the bottom of the hole to assist with drainage.

    • 2). To dig up the tree or shrub, start digging at about a foot out from the drip line -- the area that roughly corresponds to the ends of the branches. Use a shovel or a spade and dig straight down, working in a circle. If you feel a root, move your shovel back to ensure that you don't cut through the root; you want to have as many of the roots, with soil around them, as possible.

    • 3). Once you have a trench dug all around the base of the tree or shrub, place your shovel under it and gently begin to pry upward. You may feel some resistance. Work slowly and lever the tree out of the ground.

    • 4). Instead of dragging the tree across the ground, which could damage its root system, place it with its root ball in a wheelbarrow and take it to the new site.

    • 5). Set the tree in the center of the hole, making sure that the ground around it will come up to the same height on the trunk that it did in its old location. Cover the root ball with plenty of soil and pack it down firmly. Make sure that as you fill in the hole there are no air pockets, which could later cause settling.

    • 6). Water the tree. Transplanting is a shock to a tree or a shrub, and it will need to be pampered over the next several weeks. Water it immediately after transplanting, and then every day or every other day as needed. You may see the tree or shrub wilting -- this is normal and is called shock. It should snap out of it within one to two weeks.

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