Updated August 10, 2015.
Creating a simple home gym doesn't have to be expensive. With some key items, you can do effective cross-training in the comfort and convenience of your own home -– without spending a lot of money. Here's some inexpensive fitness gear for your home gym:
Using an exercise ball or fitness ball is one of the best ways to strengthen your abs and back, as well as increase stability. They're great to use for core workouts, as well as balance exercises and stretching.
Beginner Ball Workout
Fitness Ball Crunch
Fitness Ball Push-upBuy from Amazon »
Every home gym should have a few exercise DVDs. It's good to have a mix of different types of workouts, such as cardio, ab workouts, and Pilates or yoga.
A basic exercise or yoga mat is perfect for doing yoga, Pilates, or stretching. You can find a roll-up mat (so it can be stored or toted easily) made of dense foam or rubber for under $20.Buy from Amazon »
You can use resistance bands instead of free weights to strengthen your chest, back, shoulders, arms and legs. For example, you can stand on the band and grip the handles for bicep curls. In comparison to free weights, resistance bands are inexpensive, they don't take up a lot of space, and they travel well.
Resistance Band Workouts for BeginnersBuy from Amazon »
Jumping rope is a great cardio exercise because it burns a ton of calories, works both your upper and lower body, and also helps improve your agility, coordination and endurance. You can combine jumping rope and strengthening exercises, such as squats and lunges, for a fun interval workout. Jump ropes are also easy to take with you and don't take up a lot of space.
Also see: Strengthening Workouts for Runners
Cardio and Strengthening Home Workout for Runners Buy from Amazon »
Creating a simple home gym doesn't have to be expensive. With some key items, you can do effective cross-training in the comfort and convenience of your own home -– without spending a lot of money. Here's some inexpensive fitness gear for your home gym:
•Fitness Ball
Using an exercise ball or fitness ball is one of the best ways to strengthen your abs and back, as well as increase stability. They're great to use for core workouts, as well as balance exercises and stretching.
Beginner Ball Workout
Fitness Ball Crunch
Fitness Ball Push-upBuy from Amazon »
•Exercise DVDs
Every home gym should have a few exercise DVDs. It's good to have a mix of different types of workouts, such as cardio, ab workouts, and Pilates or yoga.
•Exercise Mat
A basic exercise or yoga mat is perfect for doing yoga, Pilates, or stretching. You can find a roll-up mat (so it can be stored or toted easily) made of dense foam or rubber for under $20.Buy from Amazon »
•Resistance Bands
You can use resistance bands instead of free weights to strengthen your chest, back, shoulders, arms and legs. For example, you can stand on the band and grip the handles for bicep curls. In comparison to free weights, resistance bands are inexpensive, they don't take up a lot of space, and they travel well.
Resistance Band Workouts for BeginnersBuy from Amazon »
•Jump Rope
Jumping rope is a great cardio exercise because it burns a ton of calories, works both your upper and lower body, and also helps improve your agility, coordination and endurance. You can combine jumping rope and strengthening exercises, such as squats and lunges, for a fun interval workout. Jump ropes are also easy to take with you and don't take up a lot of space.
Also see: Strengthening Workouts for Runners
Cardio and Strengthening Home Workout for Runners Buy from Amazon »