By the time you have finished reading this whole article, you will be well on your way to starting a simple work from home consulting business with zero startup capital.
Right now there are hundreds of small businesses that need help marketing their products and services through the internet.
With just a small amount of study, you can become the expert to help them beat the competition and gain more clients and profits from gaining exposure and awareness from simple internet marketing techniques.
Small business owners are overwhelmingly busy.
They wear 1000 hats and perform a multitude of duties to keep their business afloat and ahead of their competition.
There is precious little time to find or develop techniques to drive customers to their businesses via the internet.
You can position yourself as an internet marketing expert simply by learning some very basic internet marketing techniques.
By learning how to build simple Wordpress Blogs, how to write good articles, and how to implement email capture autoresponders, you will have more IM knoweldge than 99% of all small business owners.
You just need the most basic SEO knowledge.
Learning how to use long tail keywords and get backlinks along with learning some online promotion techniques will put you far ahead.
All of the information you need to start this business is available for free by using Google and other search engines.
In a little as a few days of study, you can position yourself as a knowledgeable consultant who can build website assets and charge handsomely for it.
You can: 1.
Charge a consulting fee for helping local business owners optimize what they're doing so they top the search engines for terms like "Joe's Pizza".
Charge to turn their traffic into subscribers and buyers.
You can charge for setting up and running simple blog websites.
You can charge an upfront fees plus an ongoing fees to set up the website and add content on a regular basis.
It is very simple to get a small business owner to write you a check for $500 to $1,500 for these services.
Now that you know it is possible to start your own SEO consulting business, you can start on your journey today.
Who knows? By the end of the week after next, you could be holding a check for $1500.
Imagine that!
Right now there are hundreds of small businesses that need help marketing their products and services through the internet.
With just a small amount of study, you can become the expert to help them beat the competition and gain more clients and profits from gaining exposure and awareness from simple internet marketing techniques.
Small business owners are overwhelmingly busy.
They wear 1000 hats and perform a multitude of duties to keep their business afloat and ahead of their competition.
There is precious little time to find or develop techniques to drive customers to their businesses via the internet.
You can position yourself as an internet marketing expert simply by learning some very basic internet marketing techniques.
By learning how to build simple Wordpress Blogs, how to write good articles, and how to implement email capture autoresponders, you will have more IM knoweldge than 99% of all small business owners.
You just need the most basic SEO knowledge.
Learning how to use long tail keywords and get backlinks along with learning some online promotion techniques will put you far ahead.
All of the information you need to start this business is available for free by using Google and other search engines.
In a little as a few days of study, you can position yourself as a knowledgeable consultant who can build website assets and charge handsomely for it.
You can: 1.
Charge a consulting fee for helping local business owners optimize what they're doing so they top the search engines for terms like "Joe's Pizza".
Charge to turn their traffic into subscribers and buyers.
You can charge for setting up and running simple blog websites.
You can charge an upfront fees plus an ongoing fees to set up the website and add content on a regular basis.
It is very simple to get a small business owner to write you a check for $500 to $1,500 for these services.
Now that you know it is possible to start your own SEO consulting business, you can start on your journey today.
Who knows? By the end of the week after next, you could be holding a check for $1500.
Imagine that!